04 July 2014
This week’s homework is Talk Time.
Should we take care of the seaside?
Millions of people go to our seasides each year. With so many people visiting, these beautiful areas often get damaged, polluted or left to fall into disrepair. Is it important that we look after the seaside (including the oceans) and why?
This is due Wednesday 9th July 2014.
27 June 2014
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect.
Understanding what we read is essential and that is what we were thinking about in our English lesson today. All of the children have a text in their homework books with some questions. Read the text with your child and then look at the questions and see if they can find the answers in the text. Sometimes the questions are multiple choice – they choose the correct answer; sometimes there is space for a written answer.
Please encourage your child to go back to the text and find the answers rather than just guess.
Homework is due to be handed in by Wednesday 02 July 2014.
20 June 2014
This weeks’ whole school homework is Talk Time and also involves completing the pupil health questionnaire sent home with your child.
I can share my views about health.
Emotional health and obesity are our two main health targets to further our healthy schools status and the questions are linked to these areas. They include:
- Are you happy at school?
- What do you enjoy most about playtimes and lunchtimes?
Please support your child to complete the health questionnaire in order to find out their views on some of our key health issues at school. This should be returned to your class teacher by Wednesday 25 June.
13 June 2014
This week’s homework is an investigative task. Earlier in the week the children were investigating arrays, a picture showing multiplication. This homework supports their learning, seeing maths in everyday life.
I can find examples of real life arrays.
An example of a real life array would be an egg box:
- 2 rows of 3 = 6 (2 x 3 = 6)
- 3 rows of 2 = 6 (3 x 2 = 6)
(Don’t forget the link to division, too!)
06 June 2014
This week’s homework is creative. Please make sure it is handed in by Wednesday 11 June.
What was the seaside like in the past?
Remember, you can be as creative as you like:
- a picture detailing what the seaside might have looked like in the past
- a collage of pictures that you find on the internet
- a poster advertising “Punch and Judy”
- a timeline showing how the seaside might have changed
- a mirror image – one side showing the seaside today and the other showing the seaside in the past
We are looking forward to seeing what you have learnt about how the seaside has changed.
16 May 2014
This week’s homework is talk time.
Why is it always important to tell the truth?
This will be discussed as part of our SEAL lessons next week. If you have this conversation at home then it will give the children chance to think about it in advance.
09 May 2014
This week marks the start of our final topic in Year 1 – ‘Oh I do like to be beside the seaside.’
I can show what happens at the seaside.
This is creative homework, so think about what different things you could do to show all of the different things that happen at the seaside.
You could:
- make a brochure
- create a slideshow
- draw a map
- write a story
- interview people who might be there
This homework is due in on Wednesday 14 May.
02 May 2014
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect.
For the last couple of days, we’ve been learning about weight and units of measurement. For homework, I would like the children to look around the kitchen cupboards to see the variety of different weights recorded on the packets. If they want to do a bit more, then they could weigh the packets to make sure the recorded weight is correct. They know that 1000 grams is the same as 1 kilogram so it would be useful to refer to this in your discussion when they are doing their homework.
Homework is due in on Wednesday 07 May.
25 April 2014
This week’s homework is creative and is due in on Wednesday 30 April.
What do you know about plants?
The current mini topic is all about plants – there has already been lots of soil and seeds in the Year 1 classroom and it was up to each child how they planted their seed. This will lead on to them realising the perfect conditions for growth. We would like to know what they know about plants – this can be presented in any way that you want. Remember to be as creative as you can.
It’s the Easter holidays…
…so we have no set homework or spellings, in line with our Homework Policy.
That doesn’t mean we expect your child not to be developing their skills in reading, writing and maths!
Your child should be reading daily – this could be fiction, factual books, a comic or newspaper, and could include being read to at bedtime, too.
It would be good to practise basic skills in writing by writing a letter or email to a relative, perhaps recounting a day-trip or reviewing a film your child watched.
We’re finding quite a few children are ‘squashing their sentences’ such as I went to Leeds City Museum it was really interesting which is wrong. It would be much better with punctuation to separate or a word to join:
- I went to Leeds City Museum. It was really interesting. (A comma isn’t strong enough to separate two sentences.)
- I went to Leeds City Museum – it was really interesting.
- I went to Leeds City Museum; it was really interesting.
- I went to Leeds City Museum and it was really interesting.
- I went to Leeds City Museum which was really interesting.
Finally, to improve calculation skills, please keep practising mental number facts which your child must know:
- number bonds (two numbers which add up to 10, 20 and 100 eg 3+7, 13+7, 30+70) – these facts should be known by children in Y1 – Y2
- times tables (up to 12×12) and the division facts with your child – children in Y2 should have rapid recall of x2, x 5 and x 10 at least
We know we mention these ‘basics’ a lot, but that’s because they involve practice, practice and more practice – we practise a lot at school, but your child will need to practise at home, too, if they are to truly succeed.
Learn more about current expectations for reading, writing and maths. However, do be aware that a new National Curriculum comes into effect from September, meaning these expectations have been raised and so many aspects of learning now feature in younger age groups.