20 September 2013
This week’s homework is talk time.
How do we use our senses?
We will discuss this on Wednesday 25 September so that we are ready to learn more about our senses in our topic learning.
Please remember there does not have to be anything written in books unless the children want to write a few points.
13 September 2013
This week’s homework is Practice Makes Perfect – writing numbers correctly.
Please make sure that it is handed in by Wednesday 18 September.
If you looked in our handwriting books you would see that we have been practising writing numbers. Even though we start letters on the line, numbers are like capital letters: we have to start at the top. It’s important that we get this right.
Make sure you check our handwriting policy on the website if you are not sure or come and ask for a copy.
06 September 2013
The first piece of homework in Year 1 is creative homework. This means that the homework can be presented in a variety of different ways – it’s up to you and your child! The only rule is that you can only use one page of the homework book (but flaps and fold-outs are sneaky ways to enlarge the space if needed!).
Homework needs to be handed in on Wednesday 11 September 2013.
“I can show what things are made of in my house.”
This homework is linked to a mini topic that we are doing on “Materials”. We have had a couple of lessons about materials so this is your child’s chance to think about what they have learnt so far. Here are some suggestions of things he / she could do:
- photos of different materials in the home
- groups of objects all made of the same material – photos or drawings
- rubbings / examples of different materials
- lists of things made of certain materials
Let’s be material detectives!
05 July 2013
This week, your child has been taking part in a variety of activities as part of our Community Themed Week. One of these activities involved learning facts about different countries.
This week’s homework is creative. It is due in on Wednesday 10 July 2013.
I can show what I know about a country I have a connection with.
They could:
- produce a spider diagram of information
- draw pictures with labels
- write a fact file
- create a promotional leaflet for a tourism brochure
- design a homepage for a website about the country
…or think of another creative way of presenting their information.
This homework can be about any country of their choice, but it would be ideal if there is some sort of connection. This could be where your child was born, or where their family originate from; it could be where they have visited on holiday or even where they plan to visit in the future – any sort of connection would be good!
28 June 2013
This week’s whole school homework is a Talk Time one, and it also involves completing the pupil health questionnaire sent home with your child today.
I can give my opinions on health issues.
Emotional health and obesity are the two main health targets we are focussing on to further our healthy schools status and the questions are linked to these areas. They include:
- Are you happy at school?
- What do you enjoy most about playtimes and lunchtimes?
Please support your child to complete the health questionnaire in order to find out their views on some of our key health issues at school.
Completed questionnaires to be returned by Wednesday 03 July.
21 June 2013
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect. It is to be handed in by Wednesday 26 June 2013.
Your child will have a worksheet to complete. In this worksheet, your child will remember how to use labels and practise writing sentences.
14 June 2013
This week’s homework is Practice Makes Perfect. Your child will have a calculation worksheet to complete. I have included a 100 square in the back of the homework book, if needed.
It’s due in on Wednesday 19 June 2013.
07 June 2013
Homework this week is creative. It’s the third of three homework tasks this school year when we invite children to respond to something from a cultural or spiritual perspective (we’ve timed these so they fall close to religious festivals, from Eid to Easter).
I can respond to a piece of art.
This week, we’d like children to present their responses about a piece of art. Your child might think about the colours used in the artwork or the line or shapes. They may discuss the mood of the piece and decide if they like or dislike it.
However, your child might prefer to do the following:
I can show how I celebrate an occasion.
We invite children to respond to the sentence above – they might include a recount (like a diary entry), a report, draw pictures or use photographs to show how they celebrate an occasion.
It’s the half-term break…
…so there’s no homework or spellings this week. Enjoy the holiday, whatever you get up to.
17 May 2013
We’ve started our Big Topic about farms! In only two weeks, children have already learnt about how butter is made, where corn is grown and in which country people eat mielies.
Our homework is Creative:
I can show what I know about a farm.
Here are some suggestions:
- poster
- poem
- picture
- map with information on
- photographs of the animals on a farm with captions or labels
- build a model
- research different types of farms
Homework is due on Wednesday 22 May 2013.