03 June 2020: Home Learning
Hello Year 1s!
What a warm day it was today. Hope you’re enjoying the warm weather. Thanks very much if you’ve sent some photos this week. I’ll put a post on the class news at the end of the week to celebrate the learning!
Right, yesterday’s answers…
Y1 Phonics – Tuesday – ai – ANSWERS
Here’s today’s learning:
Reading Click here to listen to me reading one of my favourite picture books: Not now, Bernard. It’s a great book and will be the focus of our reading lessons this week and next week. Once you’ve read or listened to the story, click on the worksheet.
Y1 Reading – Wednesday – characters
Maths It’s Wednesday which is number bonds practice day! This week, I want you to practice your number bonds to ten. These bonds are super important and you’ll use them to help you, no matter what year group you’re in.
You can practice using this website. Click the link and then click Number Bonds and then Make 10.
Once you’ve played the game a few time, complete the questions on the worksheet.T-N-4601-Number-Bonds-to-10-on-Robots-Worksheet_ver_1
Wednesdays are also grammar day where we will have a writing activity. Y1 – Wednesday – Grammar
02 June 2020: Home Learning
Hello everyone,
I hope you got on okay with yesterday’s home learning. Please let me know if you have any issues. Email paulwilks@spherefederation.org
Okay, here are the answers from yesterday’s learning:
Y1 Phonics – Monday – ai – ANSWERS
Here’s today’s learning:
Click here for today’s maths video. And here’s the worksheet: Y1 – Tuesday – Capacity and volume
01 June 2020: Home Learning
Hello Year 1s!
It’s Mr Wilks here. I’m going to be taking over the home learning from Mr Parker as he is in school full time now. I’ve recorded a message to say hello.
My email address is paulwilks@spherefederation.org
Please email to ask any questions, let me know any problems or to let me know how your child is getting on with their learning.
Okay, on to the home learning for today…..
Click here for the maths video lesson. And here is the worksheet Y1 – Monday – Capacity
Half-term Home Learning
Because this week is half-term, we’re taking a break from the usual daily home learning tasks (just like we did at Easter). Instead, we’ve prepared a menu of home learning activities that you might want to dip into this week – these are optional only, but you might want to encourage your child to have a go at being a quiz master, doing some up-cycling, presenting a cookery masterclass or any of the other activities.
Whatever you decide to do, we hope you have a happy and healthy half-term.
22 May 2020: Home learning
Hello Year 1!
Happy Friday. Well done for completing another week of home learning!
Here are today’s tasks…
Maths is a break from measuring today. Today’s lesson is a fun challenge from the White Rose website. Each Friday, they post different challenges.
Click on this link and find ‘Summer Term – Week 4‘. Once you’ve found it, scroll down to find the ‘Friday Family Challenge’. The most suitable questions for Year 1 are 1 & 2. But why don’t you work with your family on the rest of the problems. Do as many as you can! Help each other out.
Any problems, let me know.
Today’s a love of reading session.
Here’s your task:
- Choose a different 5 books to last week
- Order them from your favourite to your least favourite
- Read your favourite
- Talk about the book with someone in your house
- Enjoy!
Click on this link and have a good at this BBC Bitesize art lesson!
Remember to send me you amazing artwork.
21 May 2020: Home learning
Hi Year 1!
I hope you’re all doing well and still smiling 🙂
Here’s your tasks for today…
Click on this link.
Read the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ again and answer the questions underneath the story.
This will be the third time you’ve read the story so hopefully there won’t be many words you are struggling with.
Today we are thinking about different geographical features. These features are split into physical and human features.
Physical features are natural.
Human features are things that have been created by humans and would not have existed in nature without humans.
1.Firstly have a look at this document to show what physical and human features might be.
2.Using these examples, sort them into physical and human features.
3.Can you think of any other physical and human features you could add?
Good luck with today’s tasks! Let me know how you get on.
20 May 2020: Home learning
Happy Wednesday Year 1!
We’ve made it to the middle of the week again.
Here are your tasks for today…
Read the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk‘ again.
Use your inference skills to create a character profile of the giant.
Learn how to spell the tricky words below using some of our spelling strategies.
Try and get creative!
19 May 2020: Home learning
Hi Year 1!
How did you do with yesterday’s learning? I’m sure you did amazing!
Onto today’s tasks…
Click on this link and read the story, ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. You will be reading this story each day so that you become fluent.
As you read the story, identify and underline diagraphs and trigraphs that you recognise. This will help you read unfamiliar words. If there are any words that you struggle with, circle them and ask an adult to help you.
For today’s maths task, click on this link and do some more practice comparing heights and lengths.
In geography, you’ve learnt the names of the Worlds seven continents.
To remind yourself of them, click on this link and sing along with the song. You might remember the song from our class assembly!
After you have listened to the song, click on this link and learn more about one of the continents.
18 May 2020: Home learning
Hello Year 1!
I hope you had a great weekend.
Similar to a couple of weeks ago, it would be great if you could write a quick sentence about what you’ve been up. Then, take a picture of it and send me it to me. It’d be lovely to hear how you’ve been keeping busy.
Onto today’s main tasks…
Remind yourself of these split diagraphs:
Then, click on this link and complete the sheet.
Also, here is a link to another traditional tale. We will be focusing on this tale this week.
This week, we’re moving onto measuring.
Click on this link and complete the BBC Bitesize lesson on comparing height and length.
Deciduous and evergreen trees.
Watch this video and/or read this powerpoint.
Then, discuss and answer the two questions below:
What does evergreen mean?
What does deciduous mean?
Finally, make a list of 5 evergreen trees and 5 deciduous trees using the internet to help you.
15 May 2020: Home learning
Happy Friday Year One!
Well done for nearly completing another week of home learning! Everyone is super proud of you.
Here are today’s tasks…
Maths is a break from the lessons today. Today’s lesson is a fun challenge from the White Rose website. Each Friday, they post different challenges.
Click on this link and find ‘Summer Term – Week 3‘. Once you’ve found it, scroll down to find the ‘Friday Challenge’.
Any problems, let me know.
Today’s a love of reading session.
Here’s your task:
- Choose 5 books
- Order them from your favourite to your least favourite
- Read your favourite
- Talk about the book with someone in your house
- Enjoy!
In science tasks, you’ve been learning about plants and flowers and what they need to survive.
You art task is to follow either link below and draw a sunflower or a daffodil or both.
Enjoy and have a great weekend!