Year 2 Homework

Friday 17 May 2019

Posted on Friday 17 May 2019 by Mr Catherall

This week, the whole school has the same Creative homework: I can show what I know about a particular job.  

This homework is in preparation for our themed week which is next week. Throughout the week, we’ll focus on money. One aspect of this is how money is earned. Obviously, our children are a little young to be earning money but it is really important that they have aspirations.

For their homework this week, children should decide on a job (maybe one they want to do or one that a family member has) and find out some useful information about the profession: what a ‘normal’ day looks like, how much you can earn, what qualifications/experience you need, etc.

Children could respond to this creative homework in a range of ways:

  • Create a poster
  • Make a ‘project board’
  • Re-create a ‘day in the life of…’ and document this in pictures
  • Make a presentation
  • Compare a few different jobs
  • Devise a short play to show their peers what the job involves
  • Research the salary and decide how they might spend their money
  • Write a job application

Of course, there are many other ways in which children could respond. Children should be ready to celebrate their learning as part of their homework review by Friday 24 May 2019.

10 May 2019

Posted on Monday 13 May 2019 by Mr Wilks

This week’s talk time homework is linked to our upcoming Money themed week.

I understand the importance of saving money. 

Talk with your child about how saving money is important for both children and adults and how there is a difference between the things we need and the things that we want.

03 May 2019

Posted on Friday 03 May 2019 by Mr Roundtree

This week the homework is Talk Time:

We get many objects from plants and trees such as paper, medicine and sponges.

Is it right to destroy forests to make things that benefit humans?

Children should be prepared to discuss what they’ve talked about at home during our homework review next week. This homework should be completed by Thursday 9 May.



26 April 2019

Posted on Friday 26 April 2019 by Mr Catherall

This week, the whole school has the same Creative homework: I can illustrate different emotions.

This homework, which links to our living and learning statement, is an opportunity for children to show that they can recognise, and show, different emotions. As humans, we display a huge-range of emotions. Sometimes, it’s obvious how we’re feeling. Sometimes, it’s trickier for us to show, or recognise, an emotion. This statement allows us to spend time thinking about the different emotions we experience and how we can recognise these accurately in ourselves and others.

Children could respond creatively to this in a range of ways:

  • create a piece of art that shows a range of emotions
  • take pictures of themselves (or others) displaying different emotions
  • write a short-story in which a character shows lots of emotions
  • Devise a poem, song or rap about emotions
  • Create a comic strip to illustrate different emotions

Of course, there are many other ways in which children could respond. Children should be ready to celebrate their learning as part of their homework review by Friday 03 May 2019.

18 April 2019

Posted on Thursday 18 April 2019 by Mr Wilks

The homework this week is creative.

I can identify some of the trees in my locality. 

Children should explore their locality: garden, street, local park to find some different trees. In their homework books, they have a key with images of some of the most common British trees, their leaves and their seeds. They should use this to help them to identify the trees. You might find some trees which aren’t on the key. Try to identify them using books or the internet.

22 March 2019

Posted on Friday 22 March 2019 by Mr Catherall


This week, the whole school has the same Talk Time homework: I can pay and receive compliments to/from people outside of school.

This homework, which links to our living and learning statement, is an opportunity for children to discuss the benefits of paying compliments to people. Here are some questions that might shape your discussion:

  • How does paying a compliment make you feel?
  • How does receiving a compliment make you feel?
  • Why is it important to be sensible when paying or receiving compliments?
  • Can you compliment people too much?

Children should be ready to discuss what they’ve talked about at home by Thursday 28 March 2019. It would be even better if children were able to talk confidently about times when they have given, or received, a compliment.

15 March 2019

Posted on Friday 15 March 2019 by Mr Catherall

Our homework this week is Creative: I can show my talents. 

All of the children in our school are blessed with an array of talents. This week, our homework, which links to our Living and Learning statement (I can recognise my talents), gives our children the opportunity to celebrate and share their talents. Children should respond creatively and be ready to show off their talents to their peers as part of their homework review. They could do this in a range of ways:

  • create a short performance to show to the class
  • film themselves showing off their talent
  • make a collage of their many talents
  • produce a piece of art to show off their talents

There are, of course, many other ways that children could respond. Children should be ready to show off their talents by Thursday 21 March 2019.

08 March 2019

Posted on Thursday 07 March 2019 by Mr Wilks

The homework this week is creative and links to our very arty class novel topic.

I can create a piece of art that reflects a feeling or mood. 

You could do some sketching or a painting. You could create a piece of digital art or even a sculpture. When thinking about the feeling or mood, consider the colours that you use and the the type of marks that you make.



Friday 01 March 2019

Posted on Friday 01 March 2019 by Mr Catherall

This week, our whole school homework is Creative: I can present a summary of our class novel so far.

Every class in our school is currently enjoying their class novel topic. As such, we’ve read quite a bit of our books. This week, children should summarise what they’ve read so far. A good summary would give an overview of what’s happened, focussing on key events and characters. There are many ways in which children could choose to respond to this but here’s a few ideas…

  • use an app to create a movie trailer for what’s happened so far
  • create a timeline of key events
  • turn what’s happened so far into a short comic
  • write a song, rap or poem about one of the main characters/events
  • create an image about a key event
  • draw a portrait of a main character and label their characteristics

However children decide to respond, their efforts will be celebrated as part of our weekly homework review in class. This homework is due by Thursday 07 March 2019.

Friday 08 February 2019

Posted on Friday 08 February 2019 by Mr Catherall

This week, the whole school has the same creative homework which is due in on Thursday 14 February 2019.

I can show different ways to stay safe.

This week, we have enjoyed a staying safe themed week. We’ve had lots of visitors and covered a range of important safety-related topics. There are many ways, and many different situations, in which we need to keep safe: at home, at school, in our environment and online.

Children should think about the situations where they need to keep safe and who might help them to stay safe. This could be done in any creative way:

  • a story
  • a poem
  • instructions
  • a comic strip
  • an advert
  • an interview
  • a game
  • scenarios

…or any other creative ideas!

The homework will be reviewed as part of the themed week learning.