27 June 2014
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect.
I can answers questions about a text.
Have a look at the text you have been given in your homework book. Read it carefully and then answer the questions on the sheet.
This homework is due on Wednesday 02 July 2014.
20 June 2014
This weeks’ whole school homework is Talk Time and also involves completing the pupil health questionnaire sent home with your child.
I can share my views about health.
Emotional health and obesity are our two main health targets to further our healthy schools status and the questions are linked to these areas. They include:
- Are you happy at school?
- What do you enjoy most about playtimes and lunchtimes?
Please support your child to complete the health questionnaire in order to find out their views on some of our key health issues at school. This should be returned to your class teacher by Wednesday 25 June.
12 June 2014
This week’s homework is creative (combined with maths).
I can fin the perimeter of a shape.
We have looked at how to work out the perimeter of shapes this week by adding the length of all sides together. Here are some different ways you could practice doing this at home.
- Draw some shapes and measure their sides. Add them together to work out perimeter.
- Find actual objects to measure eg a table and work out its perimeter.
- Imagine how large a football pitch would be and work out its perimeter.
- Create a game that requires you to measure perimeter.
06 June 2014
This week’s homework is creative.
What was the seaside like in the past?
Choose any way to show what you know about what the seaside was like in the past. Why don’t you…
- create an information leaflet.
- draw a picture and label it.
- pretend you’re a child in the past and write a diary about your trip to the seaside.
23 May 2014
There will be no homework or spellings this week. Have a lovely holiday.
16 May 2014
Spellings and times tables.
I am not giving out new spellings or times tables this week as they have not been tested. This is because we’ve had lots of tests this week, one of which was spelling so we’ll test these spellings and times tables on Friday 23 May.
16 May 2014
This week’s homework will be Talk Time.
I can evaluate my work.
Discuss with people at home what you are good at and what you think you could get better. Think about reading, writing and maths but also think about things in general; like football, drawing or following instructions.
Although this is Talk Time homework, I have given you a sheet to note down the things you’re good at and to think of one target for yourself for either reading, writing or maths. If I agree, we’ll then put this onto a target sticker on the front of your book.
Due Wednesday 21st May.
09 May 2014
This week we will be going back over our ten times table.
Lots of us are familiar with this so make sure you learn division facts as well; for example:
- 2 x 10 = 20, so…
- 20 ÷ 10 = 2
09 May 2014
This week marks the start of our final big topic of Year 2 – ‘Oh I do like to be beside the seaside’.
I can show what happens at the seaside.
This is creative homework so think about what different things you cold do to show all of the different things that happen at the seaside.
You could…
- Make a brochure
- Create a slideshow
- Draw a map of a seaside
- Write a story
- Interview different people you might meet there
25 April 2014
As well as the usual homework and spellings. This term, Year 2 will start times tables tests in preparation for Year 3. We have stuck the 2 times table into our red learning lists books for us to practise and there will be a test on Friday 02 May.
For an extra challenge, make sure you know all of the division facts that go with each calculation.
- 4 x 2 = 8
- 2 x 4 = 8
- 8 ÷ 2 = 4
- 8 ÷ 4 = 2