Year 2 Homework

01 March 2013

Posted on Thursday 28 February 2013 by Mrs Taylor

Next Thursday 07 March is our annual school council election. This week’s homework, linked to the elections, is talk time.  It’s due in on Wednesday 06 March 2013.  Your child has a choice:


If your child would like to be a candidate for their class, their homework is to prepare a speech to present to their class.  This should include the following:

  • Why they think they can represent their class well.
  • What qualities they have to make a good school councillor.
  • What suggestions they have for the new school council to consider.  Think of realistic ideas.

Some websites to help with this homework include and


If your child does not want to be a candidate in the elections, their homework is to discuss:

I understand the importance of voting.

This week, in class and assemblies, children have been learning about voting, school councils and why their vote, in the elections next week, really does count.


It’s the Spring half-term holiday next week…

Posted on Thursday 14 February 2013 by Mr Roundtree

It’s half-term holidays next week, so there are no specific homework tasks, times tables or spellings next week.

Of course, regular practice and learning can still happen: reading each day, swimming, tables practice, trips to the library, walks around Roundhay Park… A personal recommendation from me: take a visit to Leeds Art Gallery -the Liberty and Anarchy exhibition is great!

All will help your child have a happy and healthy holiday!


08 February 2013

Posted on Thursday 07 February 2013 by

This week’s homework is practice makes perfect. It is due in on Wednesday 13 February.

I can add numbers.

Your child will have some calculations in their homework book that they have to complete.

01 February 2013

Posted on Friday 01 February 2013 by

This week’s homework is creative. It’s due in on Wednesday 06 February 2013.

Your child will have one of the following homework objectives depending on which one they are beginning to learn:

  • I know the 5 times table.
  • I know the 3 times table.


25 January 2013

Posted on Friday 25 January 2013 by

This week’s homework is talk time. It’s due in on Wednesday 30 January 2013.

 I can say what I know about electricity.


18 January 2013

Posted on Saturday 19 January 2013 by

This week’s homework is practice makes perfect. It is due in on Wednesday 23 January 2013.

I can use speech marks.

The children have some sentences in which they need to add the speech marks to – we’ve been learning this in class. They need to put the speech marks before the first spoken word and before ‘said’.

Some children have also been asked to add ‘action enders’ to their writing (only if they’ve been working on it in class).

Here’s an example:

  • It’s snowing outside! said Aleena.
  • “It’s snowing outside!” said Aleena, looking out of the window.



11 January 2013

Posted on Thursday 10 January 2013 by

This week’s homework is creative. It’s due in on Wednesday 16 January 2013.

Your child will have one of the following homework objectives depending on which one they are working on at the moment:

  • I know the 2 times table.
  • I know the 5 times table.

It’s Christmas…

Posted on Thursday 20 December 2012 by Mr Roundtree

…so enjoy the break.

We don’t give homework or spellings and tables to learn during holidays.  Instead, we hope you all enjoy the break and spend some fabulously festive family time, whether it’s playing board games, enjoying a book or two or simply relaxing in front of the telly for a treat.

14 December 2012

Posted on Friday 14 December 2012 by Mr Roundtree

This week, the final homework of 2012 is practice makes perfect.

As the Key Stage 1 production is approaching, the homework this week is to practise and prepare:

  • the words to the songs (these are in your child’s Homework Book)
  • individual parts (practise projecting your voice!)

Don’t forget: Monday is dress rehearsal so we need all costumes in school.

Public performances are on Tuesday and Wednesday, 2.15pm – donations to Dogs Trust (one of our school charities).  See you there!

07 December 2012

Posted on Sunday 09 December 2012 by

This week’s homework is practice makes perfect. It’s due in on Wednesday 12 December 2012.

I can write instructions.

 Think of an activity such as:

  • Brushing your teeth
  • Making a sandwich
  • Baking a cake
  • Playing a game

Write instructions to show how to make, play or do something. Remember that instructions could have:

  • Lists (What you will need)
  • Time connectives (First, wash your hands.)
  • Bossy verbs (First, wash your hands.)
  • Adverbs (First, wash your hands properly.)