30 November 2012
This week’s homework is Talk Time. It’s due on Wednesday 05 December.
I can talk about what I have learnt about the circus.
Have a discussion with your family about all the learning you have enjoyed in this topic.
23 November 2012
This week’s whole school homework is creative. It’s due in on Wednesday 28 November.
I can show what bullying means and how to stop it.
As part of the current SEAL theme of Getting On, this week is anti-bullying week. Within class, the children have been asked to consider bullying including these key points:
- What is bullying?
- What are the different types of bullying?
- What should you do if you are bullied?
- What should you do if you see someone being bullied?
Useful websites to look at include:
- Childline (http://www.childline.org.uk/explore/bullying/Pages/Bullyinginfo.aspx)
- Go-givers (http://www.gogivers.org/)
- Kidshealth (http://kidshealth.org/kid/feeling/emotion/bullies.html)
You could produce:
- art work
- poetry
- a poster
- writing: diary, story, letter
- a rap
- a mindmap
- your own creative idea
16 November 2012
This week’s homework is Practice makes Perfect. It is due in on Wednesday 21 November. Your child has to colour the squares in a variety of different ways to show one half or one quarter (depending on the sheet they have).
09 November 2012
Homework this week is creative. It’s the first of three homework tasks this year when we invite children to respond to something from a cultural or spiritual perspective (we’re going to time these so they fall close to religious festivals, from Eid to Easter).
I can respond to a book I’ve recently read.
This week, we’d like children to present their responses about a recent book they’ve read. We’re interested to hear your child’s opinions and any connections they might have made between the book and their own life. This book review might include pictures, an interview (you could write a fictional script between an interviewer and a character), a letter (eg to or from a character, or perhaps even the author) – anything which might include your child’s responses!
However, your child might prefer to do the following:
I can show what Eid or Diwali means to me and my community.
Just before the half-term, some children in school will have celebrated the Muslim festival of Eid. Next week, some children in school will celebrate the Sikh and Hindu festival Diwali. We invite those children to respond to the sentence above – they might include a recount (like a diary entry), pictures, an interview (perhaps in a script).
It’s the half-term break…
…so there’s no homework this week.
Please make sure your child continues to read lots and be read to – this is always the most valuable activity you can do at home to help learning.
Why not put some Maths into practice too: play a board game, bake something, create some mathematical art…
19 October 2012
This week’s homework is talk time. It’s due in on Wednesday 24 October 2012.
Should animals perform in the circus?
Remember that talk time homework is marked through a class discussion/debate once the homework has been handed in.
12 October 2012
This week’s homework is Practice makes Perfect. It’s due in on Wednesday 17 October 2012.
The children have a picture of a clown in their homework books. They need to write different adjectives around the picture of the clown to describe how he looks and what sort of a personality he has.
05 October 2012
This week’s homework is creative. It’s due in on Wednesday 10 October 2012.
I know my 10 times table.
28 September 2012
This week’s homework is creative. It is due in on Wednesday 03 October 2012.
I know what makes a healthy brain.
Children could:
- produce a spider diagram of ideas
- draw pictures with labels
- write an explanation
- produce a poster
- cut and stick pictures from the internet or magazines
…or they might choose a creative way of their own to present their learning!
21 September 2012
This week’s homework is talk time. It’s due in on Wednesday 26 September 2012.
I can say what I know about forces (pushes and pulls).
You could encourage your child to talk about:
- gravity
- friction
- speed
- examples of pushes and pulls