Year 2 Homework

11 May 2012

Posted on Sunday 13 May 2012 by

This week’s homework is Practice Makes Perfect: the children have to double the numbers on the sheet. There is an optional extra sheet on adding multiples of 10 also.

It’s due in on Wednesday 16 May 2012.

04 May 2012

Posted on Friday 04 May 2012 by

The homework this week is talk time and is due on Wednesday 09 May.

I can talk about what I know about the seaside.

27 April 2012

Posted on Thursday 26 April 2012 by

This week’s homework is creative. It’s due in on Wednesday 02 May 2012.

I know facts about nocturnal animals.

Ideas include research…

  • in detail about one nocturnal animal
  • a few facts about different nocturnal animals
  • about their habitat, diet and their appearance

20 April 2012

Posted on Monday 23 April 2012 by

This week’s homework is creative. It’s due in on Wednesday 25 April 2012.

I know the five times table.

30 March 2012

Posted on Wednesday 28 March 2012 by Mr Roundtree

It’s the Easter holidays and, in line with our Homework Policy, teachers do not set spellings or homework tasks. Instead, enjoy the sunny weather by getting active: a trip to the park, a game of football, a cycle ride or a long walk!

During the holidays, two of our teachers will visit Italy, one will be in Russia and one will be in…Barry Island!

23 March 2012

Posted on Thursday 22 March 2012 by

This week’s homework is Practice makes Perfect: the children have a text to read and then answer the questions to show their understanding.

It’s due in on Wednesday 28 March 2012.

16 March 2012

Posted on Friday 16 March 2012 by

This week’s homework is creative. It’s due in on Wednesday 21 March 2012.

I know things that use pushes and pulls to move.

09 March 2012

Posted on Saturday 10 March 2012 by

This week’s homework is Practice makes Perfect. The children have to complete the sequences on the worksheet counting forwards and backwards in 2s and 5s. It’s due in on Wednesday 14 March 2012.

02 March 2012

Posted on Friday 02 March 2012 by

This week’s homework is talk time and links to our current SEAL topic. It’s due in on Wednesday 07 March 2012.

I can say why it is ‘Good to be me’.

24 February 2012

Posted on Thursday 23 February 2012 by

This week’s homework is creative. It’s due in on Wednesday 29 February 2012.

Next week, on Thursday 01 March, it’s World Book Day.  To celebrate, all the classes are having a themed day on the subject of reading.  There will be lots of activities, including an invitation for your child to dress up as a favourite book character.  Linked to this, we’d like all children in school to consider their favourite story and explain why…

I can say why I like a book.

You could create a comic strip, write a book review, draw a story map, write a letter to the author… Anything you like that celebrates reading!

As always, the creative homework should be on one side of the A4 Homework Books, although creative ways to extend this are allowed!