Week 14: 13.07.20: home learning
Wow – week 14! You have reached the final week of home learning and a huge well done to all children and their families for trying so hard at home to keep learning. You have been amazing!
You can see what your class mates have been up to on our latest class news post. Please do keep in touch (carolinetaylor@spherefederation.org and jackiefreeman@spherefederation.org).
If you responded about the Zoom call, this will take place tomorrow and you should have now received the invitation details. If you responded but haven’t heard from us or you would like your child to join, please contact us today if possible. Thank you.
Lesson 1 Year 2 class quiz
Thank you to all the children who have sent through a fact about themselves. Here is the chance to test out your knowledge (or best guesses!) with our Year 2 fact quiz. Read the facts and try to match them to the correct class mate or adult. Click here for the quiz and click here for the answers.
Lesson 2 virtual school trip
Sadly, we have all missed out on school trips this year. Despite this, it is still possible to virtually visit different places all over the world without leaving your home. So, today you are going on a virtual school trip!
1.Choose from one of the following places to visit.
Hull Streetlife Museum of Transport
Barcelona FC Camp Nou stadium tour
2.Explore your chosen place as if you were visiting on a school trip.
3.Complete this sheet to tell us all about your trip.
Lesson 3 maths
Start your maths learning with this Super Movers video.
As we had our virtual sports day last week, here is a maths sports day challenge which covers a range of the maths learning from Year 2. Click here for the learning.
Week 13: 10 July 2020: Home learning
Only one more week to go!
You all deserve a HUGE for all of your efforts.
We are VERY proud of every single child in our class.
Here are today’s tasks.
Task 1
Art – L.S. Lowry
LO: I can draw matchstick figures.
Drawing Matchstick Figures
You are going to draw a range of stick figures using a pencil.
Imagine what your matchstick figures are doing and use their poses to show action/movement.
Here are some tips to help you.
Remember to send us your drawings, please.
Task 2
Guess what?
It’s our Friday Love of Reading session. You all know what to do. I’d love to know what you are enjoying reading.
Task 3
Have fun with this singing lesson.
Enjoy your weekend and let’s hope the shines!
Week 13: 09 July 2020: Home learning
Your first task today is maths. Here are some revision sheets I’d like you to have a go at.
Task 2
L. S. Lowry
Can you remember some facts about this talented artist?
LO: I can compare two paintings by the same artist.
Today, you are going to imagine that you have stepped into two of Lowry’s paintings. Record your thoughts and feelings either the activity sheet below or draw your own version. You can use words and pictures.
Task 3
Have a go at this activity to help you to improve your reading skills. There are 8 questions to answer.
Have a good day!
Week 13: 08 July 2020: Home Learning
Good morning, Year 2!
How are you all?
Here are your tasks for today.
Task 1
Do you know your 2s, 5s and 10 times tables? By the end of Year 2, you should know these. Keep working on them!
Here are a few activities to help you.
Task 2
Listen to this story about family love crossing continents. Sam has a bright red balloon. That is, he does until it blows out the window. But Sam’s dad tells him not to be sad, Sam’s balloon has gone on an exciting journey across mountains, seas, deserts and rivers, all the way to his Grandad Abdulla’s house . . . and now Grandad will be happy knowing Sam is thinking of him.
Now have a go at answering these questions.
Task 3
J.S. Lowry
Watch this short video about one of the world’s most famous artists.
Let’s visit The Tate Art Gallery………..
Look at these drawings. Which is your favourite and why>
Now it’s your turn…
Don’t forget to send us your work.
Week 13: 07 July 2020: Home learning
Hello, Year 2. We’re excited today for our virtual sports day. We hope you enjoy taking part in some of the activities. Make sure you have a healthy breakfast to start your day.
Did you manage to name the animals from yesterday? There were swans and their cygnets, geese and their goslings, a fawn (baby deer) and a froglet (a baby frog).
Firstly, here are the answers for yesterday.
Lesson 1 science/reading
Today our reading lesson is based on our science topic of animals. Click here for the learning. Answers for today’s learning are here.
Lesson 2 maths
1.Start today’s lesson with some number bond practice on Hit the Button. Select up to 20 or up to 100.
2.As today is ‘sports day’, here’s an animal sports day problem to solve. Here’s another animal based problem to try and solve.
Lesson 3 PE
Your third activity today is PE and the virtual sports day activities. See the separate post on the homework page with all the details. Don’t forget to enter your results and let us know how you get on.
Finally, here are a couple of reminders.
Please let us know if you would like to join our Zoom meeting next week and if you haven’t already sent us a fact that others in the class might not know, please email this to us by this Friday. Thank you for the facts we’ve received so far.
Week 13: 07 July 2020 Home learning virtual sports day

Week 13: 06 July 2020: Home learning
Hello, Year 2s! What did you get up to at the weekend now that some of the lock down rules have been relaxed? Do still remember to stay safe.
As we’ve been looking at animals and their young, here are some more that I’ve been lucky enough to spot this weekend. Two of the young were with their adult but two were not. Can you name them all?
Have you seen the latest class news post? There’s a great variety of learning so have a look at what your friends have been up to. Please do keep in touch (carolinetaylor@spherefederation.org and jackiefreeman@spherefederation.org).
Lesson 1 spelling
Karate Cats Maths was popular last week so let’s start our spelling learning with Karate Cats English.
Here are this week’s spellings.
Lesson 2 reading/science
- Start by spending 10/15 minutes on Lexia.
- Click here to see today’s text and questions.
Lesson 3 maths
Week 12: Home learning: 03 July 2020
Happy Friday!
Today, all your tasks are linked to reading. I hope you enjoy them.
Task 1
Reading and exploring poetry
Task 2
Who can remember the story of George’s Marvellous Medicine?
We read the book earlier in the year. What can you remember about the characters?
Using the book George’s Marvellous Medicine you are going to learn how to summarise information from an extract and write a description inspired by Roald Dahl.
There are 3 activities to choose from.
Activity 3 looks great! Here are some templates to help you if needed.
Task 3
Love of Reading
Sit back and relax with a good book.
Week 12: Home learning: 02 July 2020
Good morning!
Here are your tasks for today.
Task 1
LO: temperature
Task 2
LO: To use adjectives.
This work links with today’s maths learning. On the sheet attached are some adjectives to describe temperature. You need to order the words from coldest to warmest.
Temperature Adjectives Activity Sheet
Next, write a sentence for each word and add another adjective.
Here’s one to help.
The chilly, wild wind blew my umbrella out of my hand.
Task 3
What do you know about dinosaurs?
Would a T.rex catch a Triceratops? What did a Stegosaurus eat? How do we know what dinosaurs looked like?
Have a go at this lesson and have fun!
Week 12: 01 July 2020: Home learning
Can you believe that we are in week 12 of home learning!
It is simply amazing how well everyone has adapted to this.
Please let us know if you would be in the class Zoom meeting as soon as possible. We are working on a date and time and will let you know the details soon.
Have a go at this morning challenge to warm up your brains.
You have the usual 3 tasks to complete today.
Task 1
LO: Extending sentences using connectives.
Complete the worksheets below.
Here is an example to help you.
If I could go into space, I would be lonely because none of my friends would be there.
Task 2
Every now and then we will revisit some previous learning. Today, we are going to look at place value.
LO: revision of place value
There are quite a few activities here. You can have a go at all of them or maybe just 2 or 3 over a few days.
100_square_number_challenges (1)
Task 3
Let’s think about your transition to Year 3.
Before our Zoom meeting, we would like you to complete the attached booklet. If you aren’t able to print it out then you can write down all your favorite facts about being in Year 2.
We are hoping to get a message from your new teacher to show you during our meeting.
Then, choose one of these activities to complete ready for Year 3. The resources are all based on a superhero theme and include written and art activities that can be added to your classroom as a display. Here are some suggestions about how to use them:
- Superhero Profile – Ask children to complete this activity sheet. It asks them for a superhero name, their secret identity (their real name), their super powers (what subjects / activities they are good at), their weaknesses (things they would like to get better at) and ways that they are going to change the world (their hopes and dreams for the future).
- Superhero Shield Design – Challenge pupils to create a design to match their superhero character. Can they think of appropriate images to add to the design (to highlight their strengths / talents / interests)?
- Or, you can design your own Year 3 super hero.
Finally, here’s a short story for you to enjoy at the end of your learning.