01 July 2011
The homework this week is ‘Talk-Time’ and is due in Wednesday 06 July.
I can talk about my trip to Roundhay Park.
- A discussion of the wildlife observed in the park.
- Your child’s favourite animal at Tropical World.
- The thing (including eating ice-cream!) that your child enjoyed the most.
- A discussion about thoughts on animals living in places like Tropical World.
Use the following openers to help you:
My opinion is that…
We have animals in Tropical World because…
I feel that having animals in places like Tropical World is a good thing / bad thing because…
24 June 2011
The homework this week is ‘Creative’ and is due in on Wednesday 29 June.
I can create a map of a journey I make.
As prospective navigators and explorers, your child will have to become accustomed to creating maps. This is your child’s chance to put their cartographic skills to the test and design a map of a familiar journey. Here are some ideas:
- Bird’s-eye-view map of their route to school / grandparent’s house / friend etc on paper or on a computer.
- A constructed model of a familiar journey using Lego/K’nex etc.
- Another (more elaborate) idea would be for you to make the journey, taking a picture every few seconds.
As always, these ideas are here to inspire you or help if you can’t think of anything. They are by no means compulsory.
17 June 2011
This week’s homework is Talk Time (with some recording) and is due in by Wednesday 22 June.
I can discuss health issues at my school.
I have worked with members of our Health Group (made up of our School Councillors) to create the homework for this week – a health questionnaire.
As part of the next level of our Healthy Schools status we are working on a number of targets relating to obesity and emotional health.
Your views and responses to the health questionnaire will help us to be an even happier and healthier school.
Please discuss the issues raised in the questionnaire at home and record your views on the questionnaire provided. Return your completed forms to your class teacher.
We look forward to hearing your ideas and thoughts.
10 June 2011
This week’s homework is Talk Time and is due in on Wednesday 15 June 2011.
I can talk about ‘old things’ in my community.
As an introduction to our topic this term, I want you to discuss the history of your community. ‘Old things’ can be anything that is not new, but if you’re struggling to come up with something, here are some suggestions:
- Older buildings in the local area. How do they compare with the modern ones?
- Older people in the community. Our elders can tell us a lot about what our community looked like before we were around. Why not ask someone you know who is older than you what your local environment looked like before you were around?
- Why not take a trip to the local library to look at some pictures of what your local community used to look like?
We will be learning about your local community this week, so make sure you find out some interesting facts!
20 May 2011
This week’s homework is “Creative Homework”. To introduce next week’s themed week, we’d like the children to think about the community that they belong to.
I know what a community is.
This could be shown in many different ways:
- a poster
- photos
- a mind map
- children showing different communities they belong to
- a map showing different communities
All the children in school are thinking about this so it will be a great opportunity to discuss it as a family. We look forward to seeing you all next week for different activities, especially next Friday afternoon from 2pm when we will be celebrating our community at Moortown Primary.
13 May 2011
The homework this week is creative and is due in on Wednesday 18 May.
I can show what I know about nocturnal animals.
In keeping with our short topic, the children need to know about nocturnal animals. They can show this any way they want but here are a few ideas:
- A poster.
- A chart showing the facts they have found out.
- Photographs of any research they have done.
- A poster completed on the computer.
There is also a second piece of homework this week which is only a bit of fun. Watch the walking to school video – it’s been on the site for a few months now, but have you spotted Wally?!
Children have taken home a map to mark where Wally is. Year 2 children have been given a map which shows the route the stars of the video take as they walk to school. Along the way, you can just about spot where Wally is, but look closely as he might be around more than once…
This should be returned by Friday 20 May. Correct entries will be put into the hat with winners selected at random. Good luck!
06 April 2011
The homework this week is ‘Practice Makes Perfect’ and they will be tested on it on Wednesday 11th May.
I can learn a new times table.
This is a great chance for your child to learn a whole new times table. They should know their 2x table, 5x table and 10x table so make sure they know these before you move on to any other times tables. Here a few ideas for how they could learn a new times table.
- They could repeat them out loud. You have to be sure that they can do the times tables out of order as well. For example, being able to do 7 x 3 without going through the whole table (3,6,9 etc).
- Give them a times table list to memorise. See if they can write the whole times table out. Similar to how they practise spellings, but once again, make sure they can do them in any order.
- Times Table Tennis. You start at any number in the times table and they have to say the next two in the sequence going upwards and downwards.
Then, play these fun games to see if they’ve got it!
28 April 2011
The homework this week is Talk Time and is due in Wednesday 04 May.
I know about the Royal Wedding.
You and your child could discuss:
- Different aspects of the wedding, such as all the outfits, the trees in Westminster, the balcony
- Whether you enjoyed watching it or not
21 April 2011
The homework this week is Creative and is due in Wednesday 27 April.
I can invent a machine that is battery-powered.
The homework this week follows on from our current topic which is electricity. We have been discussing the way that electricity is stored in items such as batteries.
When inventing your machine, here are a few things to consider:
- The size of your battery.
- Where the battery will go.
- Whether your battery is big enough to power your machine.
- How you can make your machine safe to use.
- How long it can last before it requires new batteries.
It’s the Easter holidays…
…so there is no homework, in line with our Homework Policy.
Don’t forget about all the learning your child can do at home:
- Easter-themed Maths with mini-eggs (think about estimating, counting, sorting, adding, subtracting, sharing…)
- nature walks – look out for lambs and other signs of Spring
- swimming practice – the holidays are a perfect time to spend an afternoon at the local swimming baths!
- reading – take your child and a friend to the library or to a charity shop to find a gripping read
- lots of Talk Time discussions – by now, you’ll be familiar with Talk Time homework, so why not make up a few topics of your own?
- don’t forget to practise times tables, number bonds and handwriting
We’ve got information and top tips to help you support your child in our Learn More section.