29 June 2018
As part of our Being Healthy themed week, the homework this week is to complete a health diary. The completed diary should be brought back to school on Thursday 05 July to ensure all the entries are made.
The diary covers diet, sleep and physical activity.
Once completed, you should reflect on your diary:
- what surprised you about your diary?
- what were you proud of?
- what could you improve?
- did you make any improvements throughout the week?
- did you manage to achieve your five a day?
- did you have five different portions of fruit and vegetables?
- did you try to reduce your number of snacks and sweetened drinks?
- did you find any alternative healthier snacks and drinks?
Physical activity guidelines state that children should do at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day (30 minutes at school and 30 minutes outside of school). Is this something you have achieved?
Sleep guidelines state how much sleep children should have at different ages. For example, a seven year old should have 10 hours 30 minutes sleep. Sleep is especially important for children as it directly impacts mental and physical development.
We look forward to reviewing the diaries next Thursday in our homework review.
22 June 2018
This week’s homework is Creative and is due in on Thursday 28 June:
I can show my understanding of mass, volume and capacity.
In class, we’ve been using a variety of weighing scales (grams and kilograms), using different measuring containers/cylinders (millilitres and litres) and adding, subtracting and comparing mass & volume.
To show their understanding of these topics, your child could:
- investigate the measuring containers you have at home and produce a table of their findings
- do some cooking, weighing ingredients, with an adult/sibling
- make a quiz
- go on an adventure to find all things to do with the topics (film it)
- find containers and estimate their capacity (then check)
- make a game like top trumps
15 June 2018
The homework this week is Talk Time.
I can reflect on my learning.
The photographs in this post relate to some of the learning that has happened in class this week. Talk to your child about the photos and what they’ve learnt this week.
Remember to make some notes about it in the homework books.
08 June 2018
This week’s homework is Talk Time:
I see things from other people’s point of view.
This is an important skill that enables us to get along happily with each other. Discuss at home why it is so important and the different times when seeing something from someone else’s perspective may be required.
18 May 2018
Our whole school homework this week is creative and should be returned to class by Thursday 24 May.
I am aware of my route to school.
- Points of interest – houses, buildings, gardens, street furniture, historical landmarks, street names and local amenities such as your favourite shops, doctors and cafes.
- Nature – what trees, flowers, animals or birds do you see?
- Points of improvement – spot things that make the walk unpleasant. This may include obstacles on the routes (pavements blocked with cars & bins), litter (where are the bins and whether littering is a problem) and difficult crossings (is there anywhere where it feels unsafe to cross?).
- Potential new features – what would you like to see on your route?
Children are invited, but not required, to use the initial version of the map below and add details of any of the above features in a creative way.
11 May 2018
This week’s homework is Talk Time:
What calming down strategies can you use?
This week’s Living and Learning theme is all about understanding techniques that can help us calm down. Have a chat at home about different strategies you could use for different emotions and situations and be ready to discuss these in class on Thursday 17 May.
04 May 2018
This week’s homework is Creative:
I can show my understanding of fractions.
As we’re coming to the end of our unit of fractions, I would like children to demonstrate what they have learnt in a creative way. This could be done with some artwork, creative writing or even something like cooking! This homework is due in on Thursday 10 May.
27 April 2018
This week’s homework is Practice Makes Perfect and is due in on Friday 04 May.
At Moortown, we have updated one of the website pages – the Learn More > Calculations page:
The new content includes a list of downloadable tests. When you download, you can change the test each time by pressing F9 to keep you on your toes! These quizzes can be used alongside shorter, sharper learning at home.
This week, children should take five minutes and see if they can beat the score we’ve recently done in class. Remember to take your time, especially with the questions that have the blank box in the middle!
20 April 2018
In preparation for next week’s Living & Learning theme, this week’s homework is Creative and due on Thursday 26 April.
I can recognise emotions in myself and others.
Last week, we did some artwork about different emotions by showing a variety of facial expressions and their associated colours. For next week, children should complete another piece of emotions artwork about themselves and in other people.
23 March 2018
This week the homework is creative and is due Thursday 29 March:
I can recognise my talents.
As we’re coming to the end of our Being Me half term topic, it’s important to recognise why it’s good to be us! We want children in Year 3 to recognise that everyone is good at something and it could be anything! This homework is a great opportunity to show your talents in a creative way.
We had some ideas in class for how to show this week’s homework. You could:
- draw a poster
- design a piece of art
- film your talent
- create a song/poem/rap
- make a presentation
- write a story about your talent
- use a computer to help
Have fun!