23 June 2017
This week’s homework is Talk Time and is due in on Thursday 29 June: How do disasters affect people and places?
Through our Extreme Earth topic, we have discussed in class the impact natural disasters can have on people and places. We have also learnt about the long term and short term effects a natural disaster can cause.
This week, discuss with your child how natural disasters or disasters that are current and in the news affect people and places.
16 June 2017
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect:
To collect, present and interpret data.
This homework is due in on Thursday 22 June.
We have been learning about statistics: presenting data using bar charts, pictograms and tables. For this week’s homework, I’d like you to collect some data, display it and write some one-step and two-step questions for the class to answer about your data, during our homework review.
We had a discussion in class and the children came up with some data they could collect.
- Traffic survey
- Different colour cars in a car park or on your street
- Different birds/insects/wildlife found in the garden or the park
- Different fruit in the fruit bowl
- Coins in a piggy bank
- If you are going to a family party or a club with a lot of people – ask them their favourite animal, favourite colour, favourite food
Children can collect the data in a tally chart and decide if they would like to present it using a bar chart or pictogram. Remember to label the axes and give the chart a title.
09 June 2017
The homework this week is creative and is due in on Thursday 15 June.
I can show what I have learnt so far during our Extreme Earth topic.
We have learnt so much already in our Extreme Earth topic. For this homework, I would like children to showcase their learning about the Earth’s surface, volcanoes or earthquakes.
This can be done in any creative way. Here are a few ideas:
- A story
- A piece of art
- A collage
- A video
- A presentation
- A quiz
- A comic strip
- A non-chronological report
19 May 2017
For all children in Year 1 – Year 6, the homework this week is creative and is due in on Thursday 25 May. In preparation for our whole school themed week next week, Staying Safe, children should consider the following question by showing what they already know.
How can I keep safe?
Children should think about the situations where they need to keep safe and who might help them to stay safe. This could be done in any creative way.
- A story
- A poem
- Instructions
- A comic strip
- An advert
- An interview
- A game
- Scenarios
…or any other creative ideas!
The homework will be reviewed as part of the themed week learning.
11 May 2017
This week’s homework is a Talk Time.
I tell the truth and say sorry if I need to.
We have discussed this statement in class and looked at different scenarios.
05 May 2017
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect and is due in on Thursday 11 May:
I can recognise angles as a property of shape.
Children have been given a worksheet to practise what they have been learning in maths lessons. Please note you do not need a protractor to complete the homework. You can use anything that has a right angle.
28 April 2017
This Week’s homework is Creative and is due in Thursday 04 May:
I can show what I have learned during our ‘Forces and Magnets’ topic.
During our mini-topic on Forces and Magnets, Year 3 have learnt about:
- Pushes and pulls
- Friction
- Magnetic materials
- Magnet strength
- Magnetic poles
Children can choose one or more of these ideas and show what they have learnt in a creative way. Maybe you could display your learning through an information poster, a diagram or a quiz.
I look forward to seeing all your wonderful creative homework!
24 March 2017
This week’s homework is Talk Time.
I see things from other people’s point of view.
Children should talk about how it is important to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and understand how they feel in order to help them resolve their issues. We will have a class discussion on Thursday 30 March.
We are still concentrating on our 3 and 4 times tables.
17 March 2017
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect: To understand the spelling rules for plurals.
I would like children to revise the different spelling rules for plural words. It was highlighted in our recent Year 3 grammar test that this is something all the children need more practice on.
The task the children have been given is to:
- Walk around your home and look for things you have more than one of. Make a list of all the plurals you can find.
- With your help, discuss how these should be spelled. How many things have you got on your list?
- Can you find at least one thing for each spelling rule?
- Just add ‘s’ (cups)
- Add ‘es’ (bunches, boxes)
- Change ‘y’ to ‘ies’ (stories)
- Change the word completely (mice, children)
- Change the ending to ‘ves’ (halves)
10 March 2017
The homework this week is creative and is due in on Thursday 16 March.
I can show what I have learnt about fractions.
In maths lessons, we’ve become familiar with unit and non-unit fractions, fractions of objects, quantities and numbers. For this homework, show off what you have learnt this week involving fractions.
It’s worth remembering that ‘creative‘ does not necessarily mean ‘colourful’ or ‘eye-catching’. Similarly, it is worth remembering that we expect children to spend a minimum of 30-40 minutes on creative homework – children shouldn’t spend much longer, either.