08 July 2016
This week’s homework is creative and due on 14 July 2016.
What is multiplication?
This week we have been using problem-solving skills to solve multiplication word problems. To reinforce our learning in class, your child needs to show us what they think multiplication is.
They could:
- write some of their own word problems using their favourite characters from books
- create their own ‘maths challenges’ that could be put on our maths challenge table
- produce their own arrays and explain the multiplication they can interpret
- use images of groups to represent multiplication questions
For example, part of my homework could include this image.
I could says that I can see five groups of four legs and label this image with 4 x 5 = 20. Your child should be able to create more than one multiplication questions for an image like this (four lots of single alpaca, five pairs of eyes).
01 July 2016
As you know, we have had to close school on Friday 01 July – Shadwell Lane had its water turned off. For that reason, and because two classes are out of school today, there hasn’t been chance to set homework or spellings for this week.
Even though there is no set homework or spellings, please remember there are lots of things that the children can be doing to reflect on their learning from this week.
Again, I would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused by the school closure.
24 June 2016
This week’s homework is Talk Time and is due 29 June 2016.
I can change my behaviour for the better.
This week in class, we have been discussing how we can make positive behaviour choices and the effect it has on ourselves and the people around us. You may wish to use the following questions to prompt a discussion with your child.
How can you change your behaviour?
Why should you change your behaviour?
What is the difference between a good and a bad behaviour choices?
Are you happy with your behaviour?
What is behaviour?
- Don’t talk on behalf of your child – they need to be ready to respond, even if it’s a quiet murmur to begin with.
- Encourage them to expand on what they say – can they explain, give examples and add some extra information so their conversation is interesting, convincing or lively?
- Be a good role-model – show your child you’re listening by asking questions, adding your comments and reflecting on what they’ve said.
17 June 2016
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect and is due on 22 June 2016.
I can apply my shape learning.
This week, your child has a series of opportunities to practise and apply their shape learning from this week. Some of the key vocabulary you should expect to here/use is:
vertex / vertices – the corner of a shape
right angle – a 90 degree angle (a square fits perfectly into it)
parallel – lines which stay the same distance apart
perpendicular – two lines that meet at a right angle
angle – a measure of a turn / a vertex
greater than 90 degrees – a turn that is more than 90 degrees
less than 90 degrees – a turn that is less than 90 degrees
An angle is only an angle when two straight lines meet. If a curved line meets a straight line it is not strictly an angle.
10 June 2016
This week’s whole school homework is creative and is due Wednesday 15 June:
Why does money matter?
In our recent Money Matters themed week, we considered spending, donating, saving and getting money. Take a look through the news section and class news pages to remind you about the week.
Your child is required to show their understanding of money in a creative way. Ideas could include:
- a game
- a poem
- a song
- a quiz
- a letter
- a comic strip
- a script
Summer Half Term
In line with our Homework Policy, there are no homework tasks or spellings to learn next week because it’s the Summer half-term holiday. Of course, there are plenty of ways to help your child continue learning: get reading, go places, talk lots!
Have a happy and healthy holiday.
20 May 2016
This week’s whole school homework is creative and is due Wednesday 25 May:
I understand rights and responsibilities.
This half term, our SEAL theme has been Rights and Responsibilities. We’ve been learning that if we have rights, we also have responsibilities. Children have been considering the following rights and responsibilities.
- I have the right to learn and I have the responsibility for my own learning.
- I have the right to play and I have the responsibility to play fairly.
- I have the right to express an opinion and I have the responsibility to respect the opinions of others.
- I have the right to be safe and I have the responsibility to make safe choices.
- I have the right to be healthy and I have the responsibility to make healthy choices.
Your child is required to show their understanding of rights and responsibilities in a creative way. Ideas could include:
- a story
- a poem
- a song
- a poster
- a letter
- a comic strip
- a script
13 May 2016
This week’s homework is creative and is due 18 May 2016.
I can research my favourite musician.
In English, we’ve been learning how to write biographies with a focus on musicians. In class, we have used Elvis Presley, Louis Armstrong and The Beatles as inspiration for our writing but next week we’ll choose our own musicians. To do this effectively, your child needs to research facts about their favourite musician (or group) and present them in a creative way. This could be a poster, a mind map, a quiz or a PowerPoint presentation.
Your child may include:
- when their musician was born
- where their musician was born
- where their musician grew up
- how their musician got into music
- what instruments their musician learnt as a child
- how they became famous
06 May 2016
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect and is due on 11 May.
I can practise using pronouns.
In English, we have been using pronouns in our book review writing. A pronoun is a word or phrase that can be used in the place of a noun. We use pronouns to avoid repetition in a paragraph. Your child has a series of activities to help them practise using pronouns.
06 May 2016
This week’s spellings are all homophones. Homophones are two or more words that sound the same but are spelt differently and mean different things. For example: fair (a place with rides and games) and fare (the cost of public transport).
- grown / groan
- eight / ate
- woman / women
- heard / herd
Your child also needs to find their own pair (not pear!) of homophones which they will be tested on.