22 March 2016
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect and is due on Wednesday 27 April.
I can interpret circuit diagrams.
As part of our Science led mini topic ‘Power’, we have been learning about circuits. Your child has a booklet of activities to use and apply their learning. If your child needs some extra help, click here to find a website that lets your child create and test their own circuits.
25 March 2016
This week’s homework is creative and is due 30 March 2016.
I can present my spellings in an interesting way.
Your child’s spelling homework this week is to find a “double up for a short vowel sound” word for each letter of the alphabet. They could use these spellings to:
- make a poster
- make a crossword
- make a word search
- create a missing letter worksheet
- write a story
This could be done using ICT; the choice is theirs!
18 March 2016
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect and is due on Wednesday 23 March.
I can tell the time.
Your child will have a series of time-based tasks to do that they need to finish in the booklet provided.
We’ve started telling time to the nearest minute in class and if your child needs some extra support to do this at home, I recommend the BBC Bitesize website. I’ve also set some time tasks on Mathletics.
11 March 2016
This week’s homework is Talk Time and is due of Wednesday 16 March.
Should animals be kept in zoos?
You might want to discuss whether…
- conservation is a reason to keep them there
- animals are happy being kept in enclosed spaces
- animals deserve to have a choice over where they live
- zoos exists to make money or to make a difference
We will use your responses to these questions in our end of topic review.
26 February 2016
This week’s homework is talk time and is due on Wednesday 2 March.
Our SEAL statement next week is I work co-operatively to help a group. To prepare for our circle time, you have three questions to start a discussion.
What is co-operation?
Why is co-operation important?
How can you work co-operatively at school?
As part of this discussion, you might want to search the internet to find an image that you both think represents co-operation.
It’s half-term…
…so there’s no homework this week. Enjoy the break – walks to spot the first signs of Spring, restful reading huddled up at home, or whatever else you get up to!
05 February 2016
This week’s homework is creative and is due Wednesday 10 February:
I can show what I know about fractions.
Who says that maths can’t be creative? This homework gives your child the opportunity to showcase their learning of fractions creatively. There are loads of ways of showing off a knowledge of fractions, such as:
- a Little Miss or Mr Man fraction story in the style of Roger Hargreaves
- a picture where all the elements are a fraction
- a poem about fractions
- designing a classroom with all the parts indicated by a fraction
Enjoy getting creative with maths!
22 January 2016
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect. Over the last few weeks, we’ve been looking at using conjunctions. Conjunctions are joining words that we use to join sentences, clauses, phrases and words together. Your child will need to write five sentences that include conjunctions about their favourite animal.
In class, we’ve been looking at writing reports so this homework is an excellent opportunity to practise writing a paragraph. I’ve written a short paragraph below which your child may want to use as a model for their own writing.
Alpacas look like camels but they don’t have humps. In the wild, alpacas live in packs so they don’t like living alone. Interestingly, alpacas come from Peru and feature in many Peruvian folk tales. Sometimes, alpacas spit when they feel threatened. Adult alpacas usually grow to be 99 cm tall while llamas, which look similar to alpacas, are usually 1.7m tall.
08 January 2016
For all children in Year 1 to Year 6, the homework this week is Talk Time and is due Wednesday 13 January.
Which two charities should we support at school and why?
It’s time for children to think about our next two school charities. In 2014 and 2015, we have supported St Gemma’s Hospice and Cancer Research UK raising a total of £4370.02. We’ve helped these charities for two years now, so it’s time for a change.
We need you to have a discussion at home about which charities would be best for us to support. Following a class discussion next week, each class will nominate two charities to be considered by the School Council, who will make the final decision.
Once your child has decided on two charities, make sure they have clear, powerful reasons to support their views.
You might want to discuss whether we support…
- a local charity
- a national charity
- an international charity
- a children’s charity
- an animal charity
- a charity which helps a vulnerable group in our community
- a charity that has helped our learning, like Heart Research UK, NSPCC, RNLI
Our new school charities will be announced on Friday 15 January.
It’s Christmas…
There are no homework tasks or spellings during the holiday period.
Instead, support your child in other ways. Make sure they take part in family events, encourage them to relax and catch up on some reading at home, encourage them to send thank you notes (emails are fine, too!) – all these things will help their English skills of speaking and listening, reading and writing.
Plenty of maths skills can be practised, too – planning some top telly and considering times and durations of programmes, working out what half price is when the sales start… could your child even help with some cooking to use various measures?
Whatever they do, make sure your child, and you, have a happy and healthy Christmas break.