01 February 2013
The homework this week is Talk Time and is due in Wednesday 06 February.
I can talk about when I think time began.
Before we started our new Big Topic (Blast Off!), the children came up with some questions that they wanted to find the answer to by the end of the topic. A large proportion of the class wanted to know the answer to the following question:
“When did time begin?”
I’m sure you’ll all agree this is a fascinating question as well as being one that I would struggle to answer! Therefore, we’ve decided that this is a great opportunity for your child to share their beliefs, ideas and/or theories on when and how time began. Make sure your child has some points ready to bring to our discussion next week.
25 January 2013
The homework this week is practice makes perfect and is due in on Wednesday 30 January.
I know the different parts of a sentence.
The children have a sheet stuck in their homework books. They need to read the sentences and identify the different types of words in the sentences.
They might need to spot all the nouns and verbs or some children might also have to identify the adjectives and adverbs as well. Underline/highlight each type of word with a different colour.
- Noun: a thing, object, person or place.
- Verb: an action or a ‘doing word’.
- Adjective: is a ‘describing word’. It describes the noun.
- Adverb: describes how something is done. It describes the verb.
18 January 2013
The homework this week is creative and is due in Wednesday 22 January.
I can show what I already know about space.
As you all know, our new topic is Blast Off! To launch this topic we would like you to show us everything you already know about space. You could tell us about the history of space travel, the different planets, the Milky Way or even discuss whether there is life on Mars! As always, you can be as creative as you like, but if you’re struggling why not try:
- an annotated photo collage of different pictures from space
- a PowerPoint presentation
- a comic strip
- a podcast
11 January 2013
The home work this week is talk time and is due in on Wednesday 16 January.
I know how I am going to take reponsibility for my learning this year.
Our SEAL statement this week has been about taking reponsibility for our learning. As it’s the start of the year and a time for new starts and new year resolutions, we thought it would be a good time to think about how we can take responsility for our learning and set some targets for ourselves for the new year.
Examples could be:
- Making sure that I read at home with an adult every day.
- Reducing the number of warnings I get.
- Giving out 3 friendship tokens every day.
- Pushing myself harder in literacy lessons.
For talk time homeworks, children don’t have to write anything in their homework books but many find that writing down some ideas and prompts helps them to contribute during the discussion we have as a class.
It’s Christmas…
…so enjoy the break.
We don’t give homework or spellings and tables to learn during holidays. Instead, we hope you all enjoy the break and spend some fabulously festive family time, whether it’s playing board games, enjoying a book or two or simply relaxing in front of the telly for a treat.
07 December 2012
The homework this week is practice makes perfect and is due in on Wednesday 12 December 2012.
There are two different homeworks this week. Look in your homework book to see which one you are doing. You might be practising using proper nouns or practising interpreting the information in pictograms.
If you have any questions, please come and see me.
30 November 2012
This week’s homework is creative and is due in on Wednesday 05 December.
I can show what I have learnt in our transport topic.
The children have learnt lots during All Aboard! This is a chance for Year 3 and 4 pupils to show what they know in this week’s creative homework. As always, we want the children to be as creative as possible. However, if you’re struggling for ideas, here are some suggestions:
- a recorded radio show
- a poster
- a comic
- a picture montage
- a recount of your favourite bit of learning
23 November 2012
This week’s whole school homework is creative. It’s due in on Wednesday 28 November.
I can show what bullying means and how to stop it.
As part of the current SEAL theme of Getting On, this week is anti-bullying week. Within class, the children have been asked to consider bullying including these key points:
- What is bullying?
- What are the different types of bullying?
- What should you do if you are bullied?
- What should you do if you see someone being bullied?
Useful websites to look at include:
- Childline (http://www.childline.org.uk/explore/bullying/Pages/Bullyinginfo.aspx)
- Go-givers (http://www.gogivers.org/)
- Kidshealth (http://kidshealth.org/kid/feeling/emotion/bullies.html)
You could produce:
- art work
- poetry
- a poster
- writing: diary, story, letter
- a rap
- a mindmap
- your own creative idea
16 November 2012
The homework this week is Talk Time and is due in Wednesday 21 November.
I can talk about different ways to get on with my friends.
Our current SEAL theme is getting on. We’ve been learning about how to manage our feelings as well as learning to understand the feelings of others. Have a discussion with your family about all the ways you can get on with friends in and out of school.
Get your child justify their thoughts by using conjunctions like because or as.
09 November 2012
Homework this week is creative. It’s the first of three homework tasks this year when we invite children to respond to something from a cultural or spiritual perspective (we’re going to time these so they fall close to religious festivals, from Eid to Easter).
I can respond to a book I’ve recently read.
This week, we’d like children to present their responses about a recent book they’ve read. We’re interested to hear your child’s opinions and any connections they might have made between the book and their own life. This book review might include pictures, an interview (you could write a fictional script between an interviewer and a character), a letter (eg to or from a character, or perhaps even the author) – anything which might include your child’s responses!
However, your child might prefer to do the following:
I can show what Eid or Diwali means to me and my community.
Just before the half-term, some children in school will have celebrated the Muslim festival of Eid. Next week, some children in school will celebrate the Sikh and Hindu festival Diwali. We invite those children to respond to the sentence above – they might include a recount (like a diary entry), pictures, an interview (perhaps in a script).