It’s the half-term break…
…so there’s no homework this week.
Please make sure your child continues to read lots and be read to – this is always the most valuable activity you can do at home to help learning.
Why not put some Maths into practice too: play a board game, bake something, create some mathematical art…
19 October 2012
The homework this week is Talk Time and is due in on 24 October.
Should households have more than one car? Discuss.
We want you to discuss with your child the different factors involved with having more than one car. In addition, we’d also like you to discuss the differences between need and want as well as looking at the effect cars have on the evironment. Encourage your child to use words and phrases such as:
- However,
- On the other hand,
- Nevertheless,
- Furthermore,
12 October 2012
The homework this week is talk time and is due in on Wednesday 17 October.
I can talk to somebody about what transport was like when they were a child
Talk to adults at home about their experiences of transport when they were children. If possible, ask grandparents and older family members as well. The older the better!
Question prompts could be:
- How did you get to school?
- Did you go on holiday and how did you get there?
- How has transport changed?
- What was your first car?
- How have the roads changed?
05 October 2012
The homework this week is Creative and is due in Wednesday 10 October.
I can show what I know about transport.
As you all know, our new topic is All Aboard! To launch this topic we would like you to show us everything you already know about transport. You can be as creative as you like. Kacy wowed us all last week with her jelly brain. See if you can top that! As always, you can be as creative as you like, but if you’re struggling why not try:
- a photo collage of different types of transport
- a PowerPoint presentation
- a comic strip
- a podcast
28 September 2012
This week we are asking you to think about this statement:
I know what makes a healthy brain.
This is creative homework and is due in on Wednesday 03 October 2012.
You could produce:
- • some art work
- • some poetry
- • a poster
- • a rap
- • your own creative idea
21 September 2012
The homework this work is talk time and is due in on Wednesday 26 September.
I know three interesting facts about myself.
We would like to find out more about the children and their interests so children should talk to people at home and decide on three interesting facts about themselves. We’ll then discuss them in class and we’ll find out a bit more about each other!
07 September 2012
The homework this week is talk time and is due in on Wednesday 12 September.
I can think of ways to save water at home.
Our first mini-topic of the year is about water. We have talked about how some people do not have easy access to clean water like we do in this country. We have also discussed how we still need to save water where we can and looked at some ways we could do this at school. Now the children have to think about how they can do this at home.
Top tips for talk time homework:
- Turn the telly off!
- Sit around the dining table and talk through the different views whilst having a meal.
- Have a chat and share opinions and ideas! Children should talk with family, friends and each other.
(Your child might want to make some notes in their Homework Books – although they don’t need to, this might help them when we have a discussion about the topic back in the classroom.)
It’s the summer
Yes, believe it or not, the summer holidays begin on Friday, despite somewhat autumnal (ok: downright dismal) weather.
During the holidays, research shows that many children’s key skills can regress – this makes rapid progress in the autumn back at school hard. It’s important to make sure your child spends time reading, and try to include daily opportunities to do some writing and number work – things like sending a postcard to someone (look out for our postcard competition – more details soon) and working out some ticket prices and journey times.
As many teachers at Moortown Primary noted in children’s annual reports, your child may need a bit more than this if they need to keep up-to-speed with times tables and spellings – spend just five minutes on each every day to really help your child.
Of course, holidays should be as happy and as healthy as possible, whatever the weather. A useful starting point to planning a few days out or activities in Leeds is Breeze.
Another interesting and familiar idea crossed my mind recently as I read a Sunday paper: the writer and child psychologist Sue Palmer comments: “Every child will make a den given a chance; their evolutionary roots are still very strong. Sitting down watching someone else do it on television is no substitute.” You can buy some exciting kit to support this (I like the Ultimate Dangerous Den Kit, but less so the price), but there’s something even more exciting (and cheaper) by getting creative with cardboard boxes and blankets!
Whatever you and your child get up to, enjoy the break, and see you on Tuesday 04 September (or sometime in the week beginning 17 September if your child is starting in Reception).
Health questionnaire
There will be no further homework this term. However, please support your child to complete the health questionnaire sent home today in order to find out their views on some of our key health issues at school.
Emotional health and obesity are the two targets we are working on in school to further our healthy schools status and the questions, devised last year by the school council, are linked to these areas. These include:
- Are you happy at school?
- What do you enjoy most about playtimes and lunchtimes?
Completed questionnaires to be returned by Monday 16 July.
06 July 2012
This week’s homework is Creative and is due on Wednesday 11 July.
I can show my learning journey this year.
Children have spent the past academic year learning lots and now’s the time to show it. Your child can produce anything that communicates some of their best or favourite learning. The learning can be from one of their topics or from maths, art, science or literacy, or a mixture of lots of subject areas. Your child can decide how to present their homework. Here are some ideas:
- a diagram
- a picture / photographs
- a video
- a report
- a conversation between two people
- a piece of art work
This will be the last piece of homework before the summer holidays.