29 June 2012
The homework this week is practice makes perfect and is due in on Wednesday 04 July.
I can find fractions.
Your child has a fractions worksheet in their book that they should complete. If you have any questions about the worksheet, please come and see me.
22 June 2012
The homework this week is Talk Time and is due in Wednesday 27 June.
What feelings are involved with change?
Our SEAL theme at the moment is ‘Changes’. With a new year group on the horizon, and a summer away from school, this is the part of the year when children might want to talk about change and how it affects them. Discuss some of the following questions:
- What big changes have you experienced?
- What specific feelings did you have?
- Did they change at any point?
We’ll have a discussion next week where your child will have the chance to listen to the views and experiences of others, as well as reflect on their own.
15 June 2012
The homework this week is Talk Time and is due in on Wednesday 20 June.
If you were marooned (stranded) on a desert island, what three things would you want to have with you and why?
The question is: do you go for luxury items or do you go for practical items?
Would a hairdryer be as useful as a box of matches? Can you live without Heinz Baked Beans? Would you miss your favourite teddy bear too much?
The objects can be from modern day or the past.
It’s the half-term holiday…
…so there’s no homework this week.
18 May 2012
The homework this week is talk time and is due in on Wednesday 23 May.
I can talk about a time when I have felt proud of someone.
In keeping with our SEAL theme this week, the homework is to discuss a time when they have felt proud of someone else. This could be a friend or relative.
Remember, with talk time homeworks there is no need to write anything in the homework books; a few notes might be helpful but not essential.
11 May 2012
The homework this week is talk time and should be completed by Wednesday 16 April:
Is it possible to be a good pirate?
There has been a lot of discussion this week about how people from the past are viewed in different ways. The same person can be seen as a hero or a villain. With this in mind, explore whether you think there is such a thing as a good pirate.
We will be having a discussion in class next week about whether it is possible to be a good pirate – so make sure you’ve got some points ready.
04 May 2012
The homework this week is creative and is due in on Wednesday 09 May.
I can find five interesting facts about pirates.
This is a good opportunity to do some research on the internet and/or take a trip to the local library and hunt down some books on pirates!
20 April 2012
This week’s homework is creative and is due in on Wednesday 02 May.
I can show what I know about pirates. Arrrgh!
Our new Pirates topic starts next week! Children should choose a creative way to show what they know about pirates. This week we break the normal creative homework rule of keeping our creativity confined to an A4 page: the best homeworks will be displayed on the wall so…
- make them as colourful and interesting as possible
- they could be on larger paper, or even on something 3D
Now, stop acting like a landlubber and get yer pirate thinking cap on!
25 April 2012
The homework this week is creative and is due in Wednesday 23 April.
I can show what I know about forces in the world around me.
It is completely up to how your child decides to present their homework. Here are some ideas:
- a diagram
- pictures/photographs
- video
- a report
- a conversation between two people
30 March 2012
It’s the Easter holidays and, in line with our Homework Policy, teachers do not set spellings or homework tasks. Instead, enjoy the sunny weather by getting active: a trip to the park, a game of football, a cycle ride or a long walk!
During the holidays, two of our teachers will visit Italy, one will be in Russia and one will be in…Barry Island!