13 January 2012
For all children in Year 1 to Year 6, the homework this week is Talk Time:
Which two charities should we support at school and why?
It’s time for children to think about our school charities. Currently, we support the NSPCC and the WWF. A previous School Council selected these because they wanted to help animals and people, and wanted to help nationally and internationally. We’ve helped these charities for two years now, so it’s time for a change. We need you to have a discussion at home about which charities would be best for us to support. Each class will then discuss this and then the councillors will bring the views and ideas together to decide on the charities.
You might want to discuss whether we support a local charity like St Gemma’s, or a children’s charity like Unicef, or a charity that have helped our learning, like the Dogs’ Trust, or even whether we should support charities in school at all.
06 January 2012
As some of you may already be aware, Moortown Primary School is linked with a school in Durban, South Africa called Shallcross Primary. This partnership allows us to share our learning. This week’s Creative homework hopes to introduce the children in Durban to our local area.
I can draw what I see outside my window.
Encourage your child to include a lot of detail and spend some time doing this as some of best ones will be sent to the children at Shallcross Primary in South Africa.
09 December 2011
The homework this week is practice makes perfect and is due in on Wednesday 14 December.
I can show what I have learnt about time.
The children all have a sheet with nine blank clocks stuck into their homework books. Their task is to carefully draw the minute and hour hands to show a time. They then have to write the time in words underneath. The children have been encouraged to challenge themselves according to how confident they are at time telling.
02 December 2011
The homework this week is creative and is due in on Wednesday 07 December.
I can show what I have learnt about fractions.
We’ve been learning about fractions in maths this week. We’ve mainly focussed on finding fractions of shapes. The children’s task is to show off what they have learnt. They could:
- Create and solve some fraction problems.
- Show what they know in a series of pictures or drawings.
- Write some fraction word problems.
- Make a poster giving information about fractions.
- Compose a fraction song or poem.
25 November 2011
The homework this week is talk time and is due in on Wednesday 30 November.
I know how to stay calm.
There are lots of things that we can do to help ourselves to stay calm in different situations. Discuss what strategies you could use to stay calm and when you might need to use these strategies.
18 November 2011
The homework this week is creative and is due in on Wednesday 23 November. This week has been national anti-bullying week and the class assembly also had an anti-bullying theme; consequently, the homework is about bullying, too:
I can give advice to a victim of bullying.
It is totally up to you how you give this advice. Some ideas are:
- a poster giving tips and advice
- a playscript between a victim of bullying and a person giving advice
- a storyboard or comic strip
- a picture story
- a poem
11 November 2011
The homework this week is talk time and is due in on Wednesday 16 November.
What makes a house a home?
- Is it the things you have in the house?
- Is it the people who live there?
- Is it the location of the house?
- Is it the house itself?
04 November 2011
The homework this week is practice makes perfect and is due in on Wednesday 09 November.
I can multiply.
The children have a sheet stuck into their homework books which they must complete and hand in.
It’s the holiday…
…so there are no homework or spellings.
However, there are lots of ways you can support you child’s learning, first and foremost by visiting our Help Your Child section.
There are lots of things to do in or near Leeds, from geo-caching on Monday to a spooky Halloween walk on Sunday. Here are a few other ideas to fill the October half-term holiday with activities…
- take your child for an autumnal walk in Roundhay Park to collect chestnuts for a game of conkers or autumn leaves for an autumn collage;
- on a cold, autumn day, stay indoors and spend time baking (What unit of measurement will we use to weigh? If we want to make twice as much, how much will we need? When will the food be ready?);
- take a trip to Leeds Art Gallery – the Damien Hirst exhibition should prove a great opportunity for lots of discussion, description and possibly disagreement!
- and, as always, enjoy some relaxing reading (why not read some Tintin stories from a local library in preparation for the forthcoming film?)
School re-opens on Tuesday 01 November 2011 (following a training day on Monday 31 October 2011).
14 October 2011
The homwork this week is creative and is due in on Wednesday 19 October.
I can find 2D shapes all around me.
Ideas could be:
- trace a picture and colour in the shapes you recognise
- take some photos of buildings or objects and identify the shapes
- draw a picture using only shapes you know and label them
- identify some right angles in shapes you find
I look forward to seeing your creations on Wednesday!