20 May 2011
This week’s homework is “Creative Homework”. To introduce next week’s themed week, we’d like the children to think about the community that they belong to.
I know what a community is.
This could be shown in many different ways:
- a poster
- photos
- a mind map
- children showing different communities they belong to
- a map showing different communities
All the children in school are thinking about this so it will be a great opportunity to discuss it as a family. We look forward to seeing you all next week for different activities, especially next Friday afternoon from 2pm when we will be celebrating our community at Moortown Primary.
13 May 2011
Around the country, it’s Walk to School week next week. To promote the event, there are two activities for chidren throughout school to have a go at…
First, all children should complete the creative homework, due in on Wednesday 18 May 2011: I can persuade someone to walk to school. Children could create a poster, write a newspaper article, write a poem, or an even more creative idea of their own!
Second, as a bit of fun, there’s an extra homework activity – and this one comes with a prize! Watch the walking to school video – it’s been on the site for a few months now, but have you spotted Wally?!
Children have taken home a map to mark where Wally is. Younger children have been given a map which shows the route the stars of the video take as they walk to school. To make it more of a challenge, older children have no route shown on their map! Along the way, you can just about spot where Wally is, but look closely as he might be around more than once…
This should be returned by Friday 20 May. Correct entries will be put into the hat with winners selected at random. Good luck!
06 May 2011
The homework this week is creative and is due in on Wednesday 11 May 2011.
My family
LInking with our SEAL theme of Relationships, this is your opportunity to tell me and our class all about your family.
Ideas for what you could tell us about are:
- What jobs do your parents or carers do?
- Were you or any members of your family born in a different country?
- Have you ever moved from a different part of the UK?
- Do you have any photographs or objects that you want to show the class?
- Can you teach us any words in a language that you or your family might use at home?
- If you were going to move to a different country, where would you go and why?
- Anything else that is interesting about your family!
I’ll look forward to finding out all about your families!
28 April 2011
The homework this week is a talk time homework and is due in on Wednesday 4 May.
If you had just married a prince or princess what would you do with your time?
Would you:
- Get a new job
- Keep your old job
- Do something useful
- Do nothing at all!
I’ll look forward to hearing about your views on Wednesday.
21 April 2011
The homework this week is practice makes perfect and is due in on Wednesday 27 March.
I can find examples of solids and liquids at home.
Try to find about five different solids and liquids. You can record the information however you like. You could use a table, draw or take pictures and annotate (label) them.
Also, consider the different properties of the different liquids and solids. Do all the solids have the same properties? Do all the liquids have the same properties?
I will look forward to discussing your findings with you on Wednesday.
It’s the Easter holidays…
…so there is no homework, in line with our Homework Policy.
Don’t forget about all the learning your child can do at home:
- Easter-themed Maths with mini-eggs (think about estimating, counting, sorting, adding, subtracting, sharing…)
- nature walks – look out for lambs and other signs of Spring
- swimming practice – the holidays are a perfect time to spend an afternoon at the local swimming baths!
- reading – take your child and a friend to the library or to a charity shop to find a gripping read
- lots of Talk Time discussions – by now, you’ll be familiar with Talk Time homework, so why not make up a few topics of your own?
- don’t forget to practise times tables, number bonds and handwriting
We’ve got information and top tips to help you support your child in our Learn More section.
25 March 2011
The homework this week is practice makes perfect and is due in on Wednesday 30 March.
I can write a report about someone or something.
We’ve been reading and writing reports in our literacy unit. This homework is an opportunity to show off your report writing skills!
You could write a report about:
- A famous person. This could be a sportsman or woman, a favourite musician, or role model.
- An inspiring person who you know.
- A place you have been, for example, a museum, theme park or our school.
- It could be about your favourite sports team.
- It could be about an animal.
- Or, you could completely make up a new animal, person, place, vehicle!
Remember to use full-stops and capital letters. Use lots of good adjectives and adverbs. You could also include facts, a quote from an expert, a simile and a rhetorical question.
I’ll look forward to reading your reports next Wednesday.
18 March 2011
The homework this week is creative and is due in on Wednesday 23 March.
I can subtract.
I would like you to show me what you have learnt about subtraction. Be as creative as you like, but ensure that you show off your subtraction skills.
We thought of a few ideas as a class:
- Design a subtraction board game.
- Make a poster explaining how to solve subtraction problems.
- Show off your skills by solving some challenging subtraction problems.
- Make a video explaining how to do a subtraction calculation using a strategy.
Have fun. I will look forward to a subtraction bonanza on Wednesday!
11 March 2011
The homework this week is practice makes perfect and is due in on Wednesday 16 March.
I can read a scale.
Children have a worksheet in their homework books to complete.
04 March 2011
The homework this week is a talk time homework and is due in on Wednesday 9 March.
I think spending billions of pounds on space exploration is a waste of money. Do you agree?
Children can choose to agree or disagree with the statement – as long as they have reasons to back up their opinion.
Try to encourage the children to use words like:
- However…
- Although…
- On the other hand…
- I understand your point, but I think that…
- Conversely…
- Another reason is…
I’ll look forward to hearing your views on this next week!