It’s half term…
It’s half-term holidays next week, so there are no homework tasks or spellings next week.
Of course, regular practice and learning can still happen: reading each day, swimming, tables practice, trips to the library, walks around Roundhay Park… All will help your child have a happy and healthy holiday!
Friday 11 February
The homework this week is practice makes perfect and is due in on Wednesday 16 February.
I can find fractions.
Each child will be given a worksheet that they must complete. The problems on the worksheet will be similar to ones that we have done in class. Children must read the questions carefully so that they know what to do.
Good luck!
Friday 03 February
This week’s homework is creative and is due in on Wednesday 09 February.
I can show what I know about one of the planets in our solar system.
Get those creative juices flowing! I will look forward to seeing what you have come up with on Wednesday. Have fun.
28 January 2011
This week’s homework is talk time and is linked to the Change4Life Great Swapathon.
I can make a healthy swap.
If you bring a packed lunch to school you could use the Packed Lunch Guidance document to find a suitable swap.
Use your swapathon resources and / or the swapathon website for more personalised swaps.
Be prepared to share your swap with your class.
21 January 2011
The homework this week is a talk time homework and is due in on Wednesday 26 January.
Are aliens real? Why?
Discuss with somebody at home whether you think aliens are real or not. You have to have reasons to back up what you think.
I will look forward to talking to you about your discussions.
14 January 2011
The home work this week is a talk time homework and is due in on Wednesday 19 January.
I know some facts about the planets.
Talk to somebody at home about the planets. What can you find out?
I’ll look forward to talking to you about your planet facts. Good luck.
07 January 2011
This week’s homework is creative and links to the literacy learning that we have been doing in class. It is due in on Wednesday 12 January 2011.
I can write a kenning poem.
A kenning poem describes something without giving its name away. It uses verbs ending in ‘er’.
Here is an example similar to the ones we looked at in class:
A loud-barker
A swift-sprinter
A mud-roller
A cat-chaser
A tail-wagger
Think of your own animal. Now write a kenning poem about your animal. Remember to think of all the verbs (doing words) that your animal does and then add ‘er’ to the end of them.
Adjectives/ Adverbs group: Try to use your ambitious vocabulary. Can you think of even better words eg eater could also be scoffer or gobbler. (Remember your hyphens too!)
Holidays approaching…
…so there are no spelling lists, tables or other homework this week.
Enjoy reading, writing (and possibly making?) Christmas cards, reflecting on this term’s topics and other activities.
03 December 2010
This week’s homework is a creative homework and is due in on Wednesday 08 December.
I can show what I have learnt about fractions.
When we discussed this as a class we thought of a few ideas:
- Draw and shade fractions of different shapes.
- Draw (or take photos) of different fractions that you see around you.
- Create a fraction game or puzzle.
- Show me some equivalent fractions.
- Write some fraction word problems.
I will look forward to seeing a fraction bonanza on Wednesday!
26 November 2010
This week’s homework is a Talk Time homework and is due in on Wednesday 01 December.
I can talk to someone at home about how to stay safe close to water.
I look forward to speaking to you and finding out your top water safety tips!