19 November 2010
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect and is due in on Wednesday 24 November.
The children have a worksheet with some clock faces on them. They have to look at the clock face and work out the time. The time should then be written in words, underneath the clock face.
Good luck.
12 November 2010
This week’s homework is creative and is due in on Wednesday 17 November.
I can design a bus or train that is good for the environment.
Ideas that we came up with as a class included:
- Harnessing animal power to move the vehicle
- Using manpower to move the vehicle in a Flintstones style pick-it-up-and-run-with-it way!
- Using old vegetables as fuel
- Making trains and buses at least double decker to maximise the number of passengers per journey
It is up to you how you present your ideas. You could draw and label the vehicle, explaining the special features. You could make a collage using different materials. You could make a prototype – which was an ambitious idea by one of our class members – and photograph this for your homework book!
(Don’t forget our rule: homework should ‘fit’ onto one side of the homework book, but could have flaps and accessories that extend this!)
Good luck! I will look forward to seeing what your creative minds come up with this week!
05 November 2010
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect and is due in on Wednesday 10 November.
I can show how I have practised measuring, length, weight or capacity.
When we talked as a class we came up with some ideas. Ideas included:
- Measuring items found at home using a ruler.
- Helping to weigh ingredients in the kitchen (possibly a cake for Mr Wilks!).
- Comparing the units used to measure weight, length or capacity.For example, how many centimetres in two metres? How many grams in a kilogram?
Best of luck! I will look forward to seeing what you have done on Wednesday.
Half-term holiday
Our policy is not to give homework in the holidays. However, if you’d like to support your child’s learning at home, have a look at the Homework Tips for Parents (which has ideas for extra practice) and the National Expectations section (which should give you some ideas about what to learn more about).
Don’t forget: all children should be reading on a daily basis: comics, books, websites. Why not make a trip to the library this holiday?
Older children should also practise times tables (why not re-cap all the tables you’ve practised so far this year?).
15 October 2010
It was fantastic to hear all the things you found out from last week’s talk time homework. A big thank you to those who had to delve back a long way in their memories, and also to those whose didn’t have to delve too far!
The homework this week is creative and is due in on Wednesday 20 October.
I can see 2d and 3d shapes around me.
We had a talk as a class about this and came up with some brilliant ideas for what we could do. Ideas included:
- Taking pictures of some 2d and 3d shapes you see.
- Sketching some shapes you see at home.
- Making an object, such as a person or animal out of lots of different shapes.
- Creating a shape collage out of pictures from a magazine
- Making some pop-up 3d shapes – good luck with that one!
I will look forward to seeing what you have created on Wednesday. Best of luck!
08 October 2010
The homework this week is a Talk Time homework and is due in on Wednesday 15 October.
I can talk to someone at home about what transport was like when they were young.
I will look forward to speaking to you about some of the interesting things that you have found out.
01 October 2010
The homework this week is Creative and is due in on Wednesday 6th October.
I can write a short playscript about something that happened at the weekend.
This homework links in with our literacy topic of playscripts.
Your playscript could be about:
- a trip to the shops
- an unexpected encounter with an alien!
- a chance meeting with a celebrity
Make it as likely or unlikely as you wish!
I will look forward to seeing your creations on Wednesday!
Good luck.
24 September 2010
The homework this week is Creative and is due in on Wednesday 29 September.
I can show how I am healthy.
Remember the ideas that we discussed on Friday. You could create a:
- Poem
- Comic Strip
- Health Poster
- Photostory
- Collage
- Information leaflet
I will look forward to seeing your creations!