04 October 2019
This week’s homework is Talk Time and is due on Thursday 10 October.
Is it ok to cut down trees to build more houses?
Around the dinner table, in the car, over breakfast or before bed, see what different people in your family think about cutting down trees to build more houses. Let other people know your opinions and see whether you can come up with some strong arguments to back your opinion up.
In your homework book, note down some key bullet points from your discussion so that we can discuss this together in class.
Friday 27 September 2019
This week, the whole school has the same Creative homework: I can see maths all around me.
Maths is all around us. But, how often do we appreciate this? This homework is all about spotting maths in our everyday lives and we’re exposed to it more than we realise sometimes. We’d like to children to find some examples of maths from their everyday lives and show these creatively. There are many examples of maths in the world around us but here are a few examples:
- travel, TV or film timetables
- measuring ingredients
- finding examples of shapes in buildings
- counting out objects
- spending money when shopping
- distances on road signs
- %s in sales
- cutting food into the correct amount of slices or pieces
Children should be ready to celebrate their learning in our weekly homework review in class by Thursday 03 October 2019.
Please note: this homework should take no longer than 30 minutes.
20 September 2019
This week, homework is Talk Time and is due in on Thursday 26 September.
Talk Time: I can discuss my tree house design.
Throughout our weekly sessions in Topic this term, we’ve been following the design process in anticipation of the pupils creating their own miniature tree house. So far we’ve researched tree houses, and drawn an annotated sketch of our initial designs. We’re now asking them to think about how they plan to achieve their design and consider the materials they’re going to use.
- Ask them about their success criteria and how they’re going to achieve it.
- Ask them where they’re going to put to build their platform / entry and exit point / team flag
- Ask what they’ve chosen out of the optional elements of the success criteria (a swing/slide/walls/roof/bridge/rope ladder/more than one platform)
- Ask them what they’re going to use to build each element of their design
- Ask them how they’re going to attach each element of their design to their mini tree (blutac / clips /string / elastic bands / glue)
- Ask them if there’s any materials they could bring in from home and re-purpose for their tree house
- Ask them how they’re going to stiffen and strengthen their structures
- Ask them if there was anything they saw from the trip to Go Ape that they want to use in their own tree house design
As usual, we ask that your child makes brief notes on what they discussed at home in their homework book ready to discuss on Thursday 29 September.
13 September 2019
This week’s homework is creative: I know what a good learner looks like.
This homework links to our Living and Learning 8 Rs, listed below, and it asks your child to consider what a good learner looks like within the classroom.
- I can show I am ready to learn.
- I take responsibility for my own learning.
- I take a safe risk.
- I am resilient.
- I respond to feedback.
- I am resourceful.
- I remember.
- I reflect about my learning.
We discussed a number of creative options for your child to show what this looks like. Here are a few suggestions:
- an annotated sketch
- a poster or guide to being a great learner
- a poem
- a short video
This homework is due in on Thursday 19 September.
12 July 2019
This week’s homework is Talk Time.
Talk Time: I can discuss what we were learning in these images.
Please make notes and be ready to share what you talked about at home on Tuesday 16 July 2019.
Friday 05 July 2019
This week, the whole school has the same Creative homework: I can illustrate happy and healthy choices.
This homework links to our weekly living and learning statement and is something we talk about a lot in our school. Can you encourage your child to make a new healthy choice every day this week? Or think about one new healthy change your child can make? Try to help them make sure the choice is a realistic, achievable one, such as avoiding being on an electronic device after a certain time to help sleep, or adding one extra daily portion of vegetables to their diet each day.
As this is a Creative homework, children could respond in a variety of ways:
• Create a blog, video blog or diary to show the changes we’ve made.
• Create a poster convincing others to make a happy and healthy change.
• Make a cartoon strip in which a character makes a happy and healthy change.
• Write a song, poem or rap that will encourage others to make changes.
• Reflect on change they’ve made and how it made them feel.
There are of course lots of other ways to respond, too.
Children should be ready share, and celebrate, their homework in their class by Thursday 11 July 2019.
29 June 2019
This week’s homework is Talk Time.
Talk Time: I know ways to manage my emotions.
The children will be completing some progress tests next week and so this week’s homework is for the children to familiarise themselves with the range of mindfulness techniques they have learnt in school. These techniques can support the children to deal with their emotions and remind themselves that it is ok to feel different emotions. How many techniques can they try? Which is their favourite technique? Can they teach a technique to a family member?
This is due in on Thursday 04 June 2019.
21 June 2019
Homework this week is Creative: I can show what I am curious about.
In class, we have been reading ‘Curiosity: The story of a Mars Rover’ by Markus Motum. The book follows the Mars rover, Curiosity, as she travels across the red planet in search of proof of life on Mars. This lead us to discuss what we are curious about. We have discussed things that we may be curious about:
- Has every species of animal been discovered?
- The solar system.
- Are there any famous artists that create their art on computers?
- The digestive system.
- The question: ‘What came first the chicken or the egg?’
- Our family heritage.
- Insects.
- Is there life on Mars?
- A YOUtuber.
Children are invited to research what they are curious about. We talked about using books, asking adults questions, reading newspapers or researching online. We discussion that we need an adult’s permission to go online.
Your child should show what they want to find out or learn omre about and show this in a creative way. Ideas in class included:
- Making a poster or leaflet.
- Creating a presentation as an ‘expert’ on the subject of their choice
- Writing a song.
- Create an animation.
- Draw a picture and label it.
- Make a video.
This is due in on Thursday 27 June 2019.
14 June 2019
This week’s homework is Talk Time and is due in on Friday 21 June 2019.
Talk Time : I can tell the time to the minute on an analogue clock.
For the past 2 weeks Year 3 have been learning to tell and show the time to the minute on an analogue clock. This homework has been chosen as it is a vital life skill that Year 3 must be able to do by the end of the year.
The R2s that Year 3 use to tell the time are:
- To or past?
- Count in jumps of 5 minutes.
- Count on in jumps of 1 minute.
- Decide which hour we are talking about.
As a challenge, we have just started to tell the time with a 12 hour analogue clock using the language of AM and PM and then explaining what we may be doing at this time of the day.
14 June 2019
This week’s whole school homework involves completing the pupil health questionnaire sent home with your child/children.
I can share my views about health.
Pupil voice is an important part of our school and this annual questionnaire provides pupil views on some of our key health issues. These views can help us to become happier and healthier.
Please support your child to complete the health questionnaire by discussing these issues and add your own comment at the end.
The completed questionnaire should be returned to your class teacher by Thursday 20 June.