21 October 2016
It’s half-term, so there’s no homework. Enjoy the holiday instead: hunt down a collection of chestnuts on a walk at Roundhay Park, enjoy a cinema trip on a damp day, go further afield and visit somewhere new…
Whatever you do, have a good break.
07 October 2016
This week’s homework is Creative.
I can show what I’ve learnt about our topic.
We are thoroughly enjoying our class topic ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ and it’s time to get creative.We discussed ideas in class related to what we have learnt about this topic so far. Ideas included:
- a character description
- a model
- a newspaper report
- a quiz
- design a poster
The children had lots of good ideas and I’m really looking forward to seeing their creativity.
Have a happy and healthy holiday
It’s the summer holidays at last, so there are no homework or spelling activities. Enjoy the holidays instead!
Does your child spend less time outdoors than prison inmates? A survey suggests three-quarters of children do, as the time spent playing in parks, woods and fields has shrunk dramatically due to lack of green spaces, digital technology and parents’ fears.
Research shows that playing outdoors promotes social skills, improves vision, reduces stress, increases attention span and provides vitamin D.
15 July 2016
This week’s whole school homework involves completing the pupil health questionnaire sent home with your child/children.
I can share my views about health.
This annual questionnaire helps us to find out pupil views on some of our key health issues at school. Please support your child to complete the health questionnaire by discussing these issues.
The questionnaire should be returned to your class teacher by Wednesday 20 July.
01 July 2016
As you know, we have had to close school on Friday 01 July – Shadwell Lane had its water turned off. For that reason, and because two classes are out of school today, there hasn’t been chance to set homework or spellings for this week.
Even though there is no set homework or spellings, please remember there are lots of things that the children can be doing to reflect on their learning from this week.
Again, I would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused by the school closure.
24 June 2016
This week’s homework is Talk Time and is due 29 June 2016.
I can change my behaviour for the better.
This week in class, we have been discussing how we can make positive behaviour choices and the effect it has on ourselves and the people around us. You may wish to use the following questions to prompt a discussion with your child.
How can you change your behaviour?
Why should you change your behaviour?
What is the difference between a good and a bad behaviour choices?
Are you happy with your behaviour?
What is behaviour?
- Don’t talk on behalf of your child – they need to be ready to respond, even if it’s a quiet murmur to begin with.
- Encourage them to expand on what they say – can they explain, give examples and add some extra information so their conversation is interesting, convincing or lively?
- Be a good role-model – show your child you’re listening by asking questions, adding your comments and reflecting on what they’ve said.
10 June 2016
This week’s whole school homework is creative and is due Wednesday 15 June:
Why does money matter?
In our recent Money Matters themed week, we considered spending, donating, saving and getting money. Take a look through the news section and class news pages to remind you about the week.
Your child is required to show their understanding of money in a creative way. Ideas could include:
- a game
- a poem
- a song
- a quiz
- a letter
- a comic strip
- a script
Summer Half Term
In line with our Homework Policy, there are no homework tasks or spellings to learn next week because it’s the Summer half-term holiday. Of course, there are plenty of ways to help your child continue learning: get reading, go places, talk lots!
Have a happy and healthy holiday.
20 May 2016
This week’s whole school homework is creative and is due Wednesday 25 May:
I understand rights and responsibilities.
This half term, our SEAL theme has been Rights and Responsibilities. We’ve been learning that if we have rights, we also have responsibilities. Children have been considering the following rights and responsibilities.
- I have the right to learn and I have the responsibility for my own learning.
- I have the right to play and I have the responsibility to play fairly.
- I have the right to express an opinion and I have the responsibility to respect the opinions of others.
- I have the right to be safe and I have the responsibility to make safe choices.
- I have the right to be healthy and I have the responsibility to make healthy choices.
Your child is required to show their understanding of rights and responsibilities in a creative way. Ideas could include:
- a story
- a poem
- a song
- a poster
- a letter
- a comic strip
- a script
It’s half-term…
…so there’s no homework this week. Enjoy the break – walks to spot the first signs of Spring, restful reading huddled up at home, or whatever else you get up to!