28 June 2013
This week’s whole school homework is a Talk Time one, and it also involves completing the pupil health questionnaire sent home with your child today.
I can give my opinions on health issues.
Emotional health and obesity are the two main health targets we are focussing on to further our healthy schools status and the questions are linked to these areas. They include:
- Are you happy at school?
- What do you enjoy most about playtimes and lunchtimes?
Please support your child to complete the health questionnaire in order to find out their views on some of our key health issues at school.
Completed questionnaires to be returned by Wednesday 03 July.
21 June 2013
The homework this week is Practice Makes Perfect and is due in Wednesday 26 June.
I can calculate proportion.
This week we have been learning about ratio and proportion. In their homework book, your child has a worksheet to complete about proportion. Whilst this is not creative, try and bring in real life examples as you’re out and about relating to proportion. For example, you could ask a question like:
“What proportion of family members are female?”
This will really help to embed their understanding of proportion. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak with me.
14 June 2013
The homework this week is Talk Time and is due in Wednesday 19 June.
I can reflect on my learning.
As we approach the end of the year, this is a great chance to reflect on what the children have achieved over the three terms. Discuss with your child what they think they have got better at concerning their learning. You may want to consider:
- their proudest achievement
- their most challenging learning
- what they think they will have to focus on next year
Nothing needs to be written in books as it’s talk time homework. However, make sure your child has considered their strengths and weaknesses over the year and that they are ready to discuss them by next Wednesday.
07 June 2013
Homework this week is creative. It’s the third of three homework tasks this school year when we invite children to respond to something from a cultural or spiritual perspective (we’ve timed these so they fall close to religious festivals, from Eid to Easter).
I can respond to a piece of art.
This week, we’d like children to present their responses about a piece of art. Your child might think about the colours used in the artwork or the line or shapes. They may discuss the mood of the piece and decide if they like or dislike it.
However, your child might prefer to do the following:
I can show how I celebrate an occasion.
We invite children to respond to the sentence above – they might include a recount (like a diary entry), a report, draw pictures or use photographs to show how they celebrate an occasion.
It’s the half-term break…
…so there’s no homework or spellings this week. Enjoy the holiday, whatever you get up to.
17 May 2013
The homework this week is talk time and also a little bit of creative and is due in on Wednesday 22 May.
I know that I’m special and others are special too.
The theme for this half-term’s learning on developing children’s social, emotional and behavioural skills is ‘Good to be me’. We are exploring how children can motivate themselves in their learning and across the school. This week, we have been finding out what is special about us and what is special about our classmates.
In your child’s homework book there is an activity to complete. This activity doesn’t necessarily need to be done with a parent. It can be done with any adult that your child has a close relationship with.
The activity doesn’t have to be stuck in the books. In fact, it might be something you wish to keep. However, it is important that your child comes prepared to speak about their homework.
10 May 2013
The homework this week is creative and is due in Wednesday 15 May.
To complete the five-a-day challenge.
This week, your child has been set a challenge. Are they able to eat five portions of fruit or vegetables for five days? We want your child to keep a log of all the fruit and vegetables they eat on each day from Saturday until Wednesday. Your child should make a note of the fruit and veg they eat, in anyway they want. Here are some ideas:
- a daily diary of all the fruit and veg they’ve managed to consume
- a video diary of each day of the week
- a podcast detailing all the fruit and veg they’ve eaten
- a picture story of all your different portions of fruit and veg
- a chart or table which details what they’ve eaten
We’ll be sharing our successes next Wednesday and talking about how challenging it was to eat so healthily – or if it was just business as usual.
Finally, no cheating! Check the packaging to find out how much of a fruit or veg counts as a whole portion. One grape does not mean you’ve eaten one portion of fruit or veg, and lots of fruity snacks don’t have enough fruit in them to count as a portion.
Good luck!
03 May 2013
The homework this week is Creative and is due in on Wednesday 08 May.
I can create a persuasive poster that encourages children to eat healthily.
This week sees the start of our Big Topic, ‘Food, glorious food!’ We’re also learning about writing persuasively in literacy. This is a great opportunity for you to put your persuasive writing skills to the test and use them to persuade children to eat healthily. Here are the R2s (remember to) for writing persuasively:
- emotive language
- connectives (usually adding or reason and result – ask your child, they’ll know what they are!)
- exaggeration
- rhetorical question
- addressing the reader (using words like you)
26 April 2013
The homework this week is talk time and is due in on Wednesday 01 May.
I can talk about a time when I have felt proud of myself or others.
This homework links in with our weekly SEAL statement and also the wider SEAL theme of ‘It’s good to be me’.
19 April 2013
Homework this week is creative. It’s the second of three homework tasks this school year when we invite children to respond to something from a cultural or spiritual perspective (we’ve timed these so they fall close to religious festivals, from Eid to Easter).
I can respond to a programme or film I’ve seen.
We’d like children to present their responses about a recent programme or film they’ve seen. We’re interested to hear your child’s opinions and any connections they might have made between the programme or film and their own life. This might include pictures, an interview (you could write a fictional script between an interviewer and a character), a letter (eg to or from a character) – anything which might include your child’s responses!
However, your child might prefer to do the following:
I can show what Passover or Easter means to me and my community.
Recently, some children will have celebrated the Christian festival of Easter or the Jewish festival of Passover. We invite children to respond to the sentence above – they might include a recount (like a diary entry), pictures, an interview (perhaps in a script), or any other creative response.