09 October 2020
I can share my views about health
Your views can help us to become happier and healthier.
Parents/carers: please complete the online survey with your child and comment at the end. Please submit before Thursday 15 October.
02 October 2020
This week’s homework is talk time and moral-themed and links with our science lessons over the next couple weeks. We’ll be talking about how environments can change and that this can be a danger for living things.
The question to consider and discuss is:
Do humans have a negative impact on the earth?
We’d like you to talk about whether humans contribute positively or negatively to the environment.
Do they have a positive or negative impact on the plants and animals in their localities?
Are things that we can do to have a more positive impact on the environment?
25 September 2020
The homework this week is Practice Makes Perfect and is due in on Thursday 1st October. Please send to paulwilks@spherefederation.org.
In writing lessons, we have been reminding ourselves what a squashed sentence is. A squashed sentence is where two ‘chunks of information’ that make sense on their own haven’t been separated by a full stop or a conjunction. For example: Humpty climbed the wall he was very scared. This is a squashed sentence as it needs something in between wall and he. Instead, it should read: Humpty climbed the wall. He was very scared. OR Humpty climbed the wall and he was very scared (or a different, appropriate conjunction).
Your task is to correct the squashed sentences on this sheet. As an extra challenge, you could write some of your own sentences and check you haven’t squashed any!
18 September 2020
Your homework this week is creative: I know the different types of animals.
In science lessons, we’re learning about living things and their habitats. This week, we’ve been learning about the different types of animals and what makes them special (see this attached document for more information).
We’d like the children to show that they know some animals that belong to each group and why they belong to each group. For example:
All mammals have hair, give birth to live young, feed their young with milk and are warm-blooded. Some examples of mammals are humans, horses, whales.
It is up to children how they present this information. The may choose to create a poster, a video, a presentation.
Times Tables
Your child’s login details for Times Table Rock Stars is stuck into their homework books. Please login and practise regularly.
This week, we’re recapping the 2s,5s,10s and 3 times tables. Your Times Table Rock Stars questions will be set to practise these times tables (with a few exceptions for children who have already shown they have mastered these tables.
11 September 2020
Hello everyone,
It’s Friday so your child will be coming home with a homework task: we’re setting weekly homework as we normally do. The key difference here is that Homework Books should stay at home for the time being.
Just as normal, the tasks are posted on the website. Instead of the task pasted into books, children take home a piece of paper with the task on, too. The tasks are a variety of Talk Time, Practice Makes Perfect and Creative, but especially the first two.
Parents, you can email a picture of the completed task (or task in process) or update about a completed task. (Lots of you were doing this with the home learning tasks we set in Spring and Summer terms). The homework will be reviewed in school, so some pictures would be good!
This week’s homework is talk time and will be reviewed on Thursday 17 September.
I can talk about what I’ve learnt this week.
Sit down as a family and have a chat about how school has been this week. What have they learnt? What have they been proud of? What have they found tricky?
We’ll then discuss this in class on Thursday.
Week 13: 07 July 2020 Home learning virtual sports day

New date for Zoom catch-up: Tuesday at 10am
Hello everyone,
Sorry for another change in date for the meeting. It’s going to be at 10am on Tuesday now.
NEW: If you attended the previous meeting, you can also join this one. Just email to let me know.
Mr W
26 June 2020: Home learning
Hello everyone!
It’s the end of another week. Thanks very much for all your hard work. Hope you have a super weekend and I’ll see you on Monday (kind of)!
Click here for yesterday’s maths calculations answers.
Today’s learning:
It’s our regular Love of Reading session. Do what you usually do! Or you can mix it up if you like and draw a character from your book or write an interview with a character or sketch a setting or scene from the book or list some facts you’ve learnt if reading a non-fiction text. Or, do something else related to reading!
Click here for the link to the Friday challenges. Remember to try the Year 5 ones for an extra challenge.
The weather should be fine (just a few thunderstorms) for the final Andy Goldsworthy challenges: Andy Goldsworthy Challenges – Week 4.
25 June 2020: Home learning
Hello Year 4s!
It was great to chat to you on the Zoom meeting today. If you didn’t take part in today’s, there is another scheduled for Monday 29th June at 10.00am. Please email me at paulwilks@spherefederation.org to get a place.
Yesterday’s answers:
Click here for the arithmetic video answers.
Y3,4 – Wednesday – Grammar – ANSWERS
Today’s learning:
Click here for the maths video. Here is the worksheet: Y4 – Thursday – Decimals
The final lesson coincides with National Writing Day which was yesterday – sorry, I’m a day late! The task comes from the BBC Daily Lessons and is to create a story. A 24 word story! There’s a video which gives some information about the story task and another about using similes and metaphors. Please send me your stories when you’ve written them!
Zoom Meeting!
Hello Year 4s!
I really enjoyed talking to everyone at the ‘meeting’ today! It was great to see you all.
If you didn’t attend today’s session, please join me at the next one. However, I’ve changed the date as the planned Thursday session did not have many takers.
The new date will be Monday 29th June at 10am.
Please email me to let me know if you’d like to attend.
Mr W