12 November 2010
This week we have Talk Time homework that links to our topic. We will discuss the topic in class on Wednesday 17 November.
I know how to be safe around roads.
05 November 2010
The homework this week is creative and is due in on Wednesday 10 November.
I can measure length to the nearest cm.
Rememeber, when the mm end in 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 we round up to the nearest cm. When the mm end in 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 we round down to the nearest cm.
Half-term holiday
Our policy is not to give homework in the holidays. However, if you’d like to support your child’s learning at home, have a look at the Homework Tips for Parents (which has ideas for extra practice) and the National Expectations section (which should give you some ideas about what to learn more about).
Don’t forget: all children should be reading on a daily basis: comics, books, websites. Why not make a trip to the library this holiday?
Older children should also practise times tables (why not re-cap all the tables you’ve practised so far this year?).
15 October 2010
The homework this week is a talk time homework. It is due in on Wednesady 20 October.
I can discuss how promotions are used.
Promotional language can be found on television, radio, in magazines, leaflets and posters. You might find some examples too!
08 October 2010
This week’s homework is Practice Makes Perfect. It links to our current literacy unit. It’s a chance for the children to practise what they have learnt!
It is due in on Wednesday 13 October 2010.
Write a short script with at least four speaking parts.
A script has:
A title eg. Cinderella
A cast eg. Cinderella, Stepsisters, Stepmother, Prince, Fairy Godmother
Names on the left, colon, stage directions, dialogue, NO SPEECH MARKS
eg. Cinderella: (Wearily scrubbing the floor whilst wiping away tears) I’m so unhappy.
Extra stage directions in brackets eg. (Cinderella slowly bends down to pick up the invitation.)
New line for a new speaker
01 October 2010
This homework this week is creative. It is due in on Wednesday 06 October.
I can show my knowledge of the four number operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
You could choose just one or all four – it’s up to you!
24 September 2010
The homework this week is Creative and due in Wednesday 29 September.
I can show how I am healthy.
Remember to think about everything we have discussed during Health Week.