05 November 2010
Your homework this week is creative.
In guided reading this week, you have read five Mystery Mob books. Your homework is to produce a piece of work about the ‘Mob’ showing how you enjoyed the books. It could be:
- Another Mystery Mob play script
- A cartoon strip
- An interview with the characters
- A biography of one of the characters
- A list of titles that fit into the Mystery Mob series
- A board game staring the Mystery Mob
- A mystery story
- A letter to the Mystery Mob Fan club and a reply from The Fan club
- Designs for a range of stationery, pens, pencil cases, key rings etc that could be sold in WH Smiths that are based on the Mystery Mob
- Designs for a range of Mystery Mob clothing
- Your own idea!
Have Fun!
Homework is due in on Wednesday November 10.
Half-term holiday
Our policy is not to give homework in the holidays. However, if you’d like to support your child’s learning at home, have a look at the Homework Tips for Parents (which has ideas for extra practice) and the National Expectations section (which should give you some ideas about what to learn more about).
Don’t forget: all children should be reading on a daily basis: comics, books, websites. Why not make a trip to the library this holiday?
Older children should also practise times tables (why not re-cap all the tables you’ve practised so far this year?).
15 October 2010
Homework this week is creative.
I can produce a piece of work for a class display on Victorians.
You could try any of the following styles:
- A poster on publisher or powerpoint using your ICT skills
- A model
- A story
- How about a quiz? Or a crossword?
- You could produce a timeline of events in Victorian times
- Some work on Queen Victoria.
- Why not try some Artwork?
- Your own idea
Completed tasks needs to be handed in by Wednesday 20 October.
Have fun!
08 October 2010
The homework this week is Creative homework and is due in on Wednesday 13 October.
I can show what I think about our class novel Street Child.
Here are a few ideas for you:
- A recount of the story so far
- A diary written from Jim’s point of view
- Character portraits
- A comic strip version of the story
- A timeline of the events
- A mind map of all the emotions Jim has experienced
- A prediction of what will happen next
- Your own idea!
Have Fun!
01 October 2010
Homework this week is talk-time homework and is based around our topic ‘Vile Victorians’.
It is due in Wednesday 06 October
Discuss with your family the work Victorian Children had to do. Show them the websites we have looked at in school and ask what they think of working conditions for children.
24 September
Homework this week is Creative and is due in on Wednesday 29 September.
I know how I can keep healthy.
You could create anything you like providing it stays on an A4 page. You might think about:
- a mind map
- a poster
- a comic strip
- a rap or poem
- a healthy quiz or board game
- your own idea…