21 September 2018
The spellings this week contain the long i and long oo sound. There are lots of different ways to spell these sounds. This week, we’re focussing on ie and ou.
lie |
tie |
pie |
you |
soup |
group |
07 September 2018
Our first week of spellings in Year One focuses on your child’s name.
Rarely in life do we write just our first name so your child is required to learn how to spell their full name – this will be used throughout the year. Next Friday, your child will be tested on writing their full name accurately. |
13 July 2018
This week, Year One’s spellings are words that were commonly spelt wrong during writing sessions throughout the year.
because |
where |
said |
looked |
people |
could |
would |
have |
06 July 2018
This week, Year One’s spellings are words that have the prefix ‘un’. Discuss with your child that ‘un’ can be added to verbs and adjectives to change the meaning of the word.
unfair |
untrue |
unpack |
unsafe |
unwell |
untidy |
untie |
unlock |
29 June 2018
This week, Year One’s spellings are words that have the suffix ‘es’. Adding ‘es’ on words that end in s, x, ch, th and z makes them plural (more than one).
witches |
boxes |
benches |
bushes |
dishes |
dresses |
matches |
classes |
15 June 2018
This week, Year One’s spellings are months 1-6. Months 7-12 will be next week. Remember that they all start with a capital letter.
January |
February |
March |
April |
May |
June |
08 June 2018
This week, Year One’s spellings are days of the week. Remember that they all start with a capital letter.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
11 May 2018
This week, Year One’s spellings are words ending in the suffix ‘est’ where no change is needed to the root word.
oldest |
softest |
loudest |
warmest |
fastest |
longest |
lowest |
neatest |
04 May 2018
This week, Year One’s spellings are words ending in the suffix ‘ing‘ where no change is needed to the root word.
jumping |
talking |
singing |
asking |
walking |
hunting |
playing |
eating |
27 April 2018
This week, Year One’s spellings are words ending in ‘ed‘. The suffix ‘ed‘ changes a verb to past tense.
jumped |
talked |
hunted |
asked |
walked |
shouted |
looked |
yawned |