18 January 2012
This week we look at words with the split vowel digraph a-e: two letters, split by a consonant, which make a ‘long a’ sound.
These words will be tested on Friday 25 January.
cake |
make |
late |
made |
sale |
mate |
gate |
snake |
11 January 2013
Please learn these words for a test on Friday 18 January.
Words containing the ‘ea‘ letter pattern, which create a ‘long e’ sound.
beads |
pea |
meat |
seal |
leaf |
beach |
tea |
cream |
For those of you that want a challenge…
You could write the words in a sentence, such as:
- I swim at the sandy beach.
- I saw a seal by the beach and then went to have an ice-cream.
It’s Christmas…
…so enjoy the break.
We don’t give homework or spellings and tables to learn during holidays. Instead, we hope you all enjoy the break and spend some fabulously festive family time, whether it’s playing board games, enjoying a book or two or simply relaxing in front of the telly for a treat.
14 December 2012
This week’s spellings are words starting with ‘wh’.
Your child will be tested on Friday 21 December 2012.
when |
why |
what |
wheel |
whip |
which |
07 December 2012
This week’s spellings are words which use igh.
Talk with your child about the sound it makes (usually a long vowel sound which is the same or similar to the letter name of the vowel ‘i’), and see if they can think of more words like this at home.
Can your child put these words into sentences?
These words will be tested on Friday 14 December.
high |
night |
light |
right |
might |
sight |
bright |
fight |
30 November 2012
This week, the tricky words to learn to spell are:
when |
went |
from |
his |
her |
she |
I |
said |
These words will be tested on Friday 07 December 2012.
23 November 2012
This week the tricky words to learn to spell are:
come |
saw |
here |
with |
my |
are |
very |
help |
me |
was |
These words will be tested on Friday 30 November.
16 November 2012
This week’s spellings are words containing ‘ar’. Your child will be tested on Friday 23 November.
car |
star |
march |
shark |
park |
mark |
spark |
sharp |
09 November 2012
Please learn these words for a test on Friday 16 November.
Words containing the oa letter pattern, which create a ‘long o’ sound.
boat |
goat |
soap |
coat |
road |
loaf |
soak |
toast |
For those of you that want a challenge…
You could write the words in a sentence eg I made the toast.
19 October 2012
The spellings for this week are ‘high-frequency’ words, many of which are ‘tricky words’ – words that don’t follow an obvious phonics pattern.
he |
she |
I |
we |
was |
me |
be |
all |
come |
my |
These words will be tested on Friday 26 October.