12 October 2012
This week’s spellings are words using ‘oi’ and ‘oy’. A useful way to remember which to use is ‘oi’ is usually in the middle of a word and ‘oy’ is usually at the end. These spellings will be tested on Friday 19 October.
boy |
coin |
toy |
soil |
boil |
joy |
foil |
Roy |
05 October 2012
This week, we’re learning to spell words with oo and sh.
These words will be tested on Friday 12 October.
moon |
soon |
cool |
pool |
ship |
shut |
cash |
mash |
28 September 2012
Please learn these words for a test on Friday 05 October.
Words containing the ai/ay sound.
play |
stay |
pay |
spray |
day |
rain |
pain |
main |
For those of you that want an extra challenge…
You could write the words in a sentence eg I sat in the rain.
22 September 2012
This week, your child has familiar vocabulary to do with their maths learning.
one |
two |
eight |
nine |
three |
four |
five |
seven |
These words will be tested on Friday 28 September.
14 September 2012
This week we’re once again looking at words we use every day.
These words will be tested on Friday 21 September.
he |
she |
I |
we |
was |
me |
be |
all |
07 September 2012
Spelling is an integral part of the writing process. Pupils who spell with ease are able to concentrate on the content of their writing. With this in mind, we carry on with the letters and sounds programme on a daily basis in Year 1.
Spelling lists will be given out on Mondays and will be linked to the sounds being taught that week, or a list of frequently used words. Sometimes the list will link to the class topic.
This week’s list is words the children encountered in Reception and will need in their day to day writing.
and |
in |
it |
on |
you |
but |
up |
Hint: Practice little and often works best.
06 July 2012
This week’s spellings are all words which have been misspelled in our writing recently. Children will be tested on eight out of the ten words on Friday 13 July.
under |
looking |
wish |
park |
birds |
liked |
grow |
girl |
boat |
with |
29 June 2012
This week we are learning to spell words with aw.
These words will be tested on Friday 06 July.
paw |
claw |
dawn |
saw |
draw |
jigsaw |
lawn |
sawdust |
seesaws |
yawn |
22 June 2012
This week, our spelling is words we use to join sentences.
Can you think of some more and use them in sentences? To help your child, it’s a good idea to ask them to write the words in full sentences, practising their handwriting and punctuation at the same time.
These words will be tested on Friday 29 June.
and |
but |
because |
then |
after |
until |
15 June 2012
As the statutory phonics screening check will take place next week, there is no spelling homework.
There is no date set for which children will be tested on which day; as always, avoid unnecessary absences.
Thank you.