25 November 2011
LO. To spell time connectives.
first |
last |
next |
finally |
after |
then |
These words will be tested on Friday 02 December.
18 November 2011
This week, we’re learning to spell words we can use to join sentences (conjunctions).
These words will be tested on Friday 25 November.
Can you think of one of your own and use it?
and |
but |
because |
then |
after |
until |
11 November 2011
This week, we’re learning to spell words with the ‘ow’ and ‘ou’ sound.
These words will be tested on Friday 18 November.
cow |
out |
town |
shout |
down |
loud |
04 November 2011
This week, we are learning to spell words with the ‘oi’ and ‘oy’ sound.
These will be tested on Friday 11 November.
boy |
Roy |
toy |
joy |
boil |
soil |
foil |
coin |
It’s the holiday…
…so there are no homework or spellings.
However, there are lots of ways you can support you child’s learning, first and foremost by visiting our Help Your Child section.
There are lots of things to do in or near Leeds, from geo-caching on Monday to a spooky Halloween walk on Sunday. Here are a few other ideas to fill the October half-term holiday with activities…
- take your child for an autumnal walk in Roundhay Park to collect chestnuts for a game of conkers or autumn leaves for an autumn collage;
- on a cold, autumn day, stay indoors and spend time baking (What unit of measurement will we use to weigh? If we want to make twice as much, how much will we need? When will the food be ready?);
- take a trip to Leeds Art Gallery – the Damien Hirst exhibition should prove a great opportunity for lots of discussion, description and possibly disagreement!
- and, as always, enjoy some relaxing reading (why not read some Tintin stories from a local library in preparation for the forthcoming film?)
School re-opens on Tuesday 01 November 2011 (following a training day on Monday 31 October 2011).
14 October 2011
This week, we are learning to spell words with the ‘ay’ sound.
These will be tested on Friday 21 October.
day |
play |
stay |
pay |
clay |
bay |
07 October 2011
This week we continue to look at words we need in maths.
These words will be tested on Friday 14 October.
seven |
eight |
nine |
ten |
one |
two |
30 September 2011
This week we are looking at words we will need in our maths.
These words will be tested on Friday 07 October.
one |
two |
three |
four |
five |
six |
23 September 2011
This week’s list is high frequency words. They will be tested on Friday 30 September.
has |
not |
saw |
boy |
was |
girl |
16 September 2011
Spelling is an integral part of the writing process. Pupils who spell with ease are able to concentrate on the content of their writing. With this in mind, we carry on with the Letters and Sounds programme on a daily basis in Year 1.
Spelling lists will be given out on a Friday and will be linked to the sounds being taught that week or a list of frequently used words. Sometimes, the list will link to the class topic.
This week’s list includes words that the children will need in their day to day writing.
and |
not |
the |
a |
to |
can |
Practise learning the words in preparation for Friday 23 Septenber .
Hint: practice little and often works best!