12 November 2021
This week’s spellings are Year 2 common exception words. These words need to be spelled correctly in children’s writing. When spelling these words, children often make mistakes.
- Mr
- Mrs
- would
- should
- could
- who
- whole
- clothes
What do you notice about Mr and Mrs?
The children will be tested on these words next Friday 19 November.
Please encourage your child to try practise the words by putting their words in a sentence using our handwriting guide. Also, look at the spelling activities guide for some ideas to practise these words.
05 November 2021
This week’s spellings are high frequency words. When spelling these words, children often make mistakes.
Group 1
Group 2
The children will be tested on these words next Friday 12 November.
Please encourage your child to try practise the words by putting their words in a sentence using our handwriting guide. Also, look at the spelling activities guide for some ideas to practise these words.
15 October 2021
This week’s spellings are high frequency words. When spelling these words, children often make mistakes.
- were
- some
- you
- where
- house
- what
- why
- who
The children will be tested on these words next Thursday 21 October.
Please encourage your child to try practise the words by putting their words in a sentence using our handwriting guide. Also, look at the spelling activities guide for some ideas to practise these words.
08 October 2021
This week’s spellings are high frequency words. When spelling these words, children often make mistakes. Check your child’s understanding of ‘our’ and ‘are’. Put them into sentences and discuss their meaning and different spellings.
- here
- they
- are
- friend
- said
- your
- once
- our
The children will be tested on these words next Friday 15 October.
Please encourage your child to try practise the words by putting their words in a sentence using our handwriting guide. Also, look at the spelling activities guide for some ideas to practise these words.
01 October 2021
Group 1
This week’s spellings are based on words from Phase 5 words.
- make
- bike
- like
- even
- nose
- five
- cake
- rule
Group 2
This week’s spellings are based on Phase 3 words.
- coin
- oink
- ear
- gear
- air
- chair
- pair
- sure
The children will be tested on these words next Friday 08 October.
Please encourage your child to try practise the words by putting their words in a sentence using our handwriting guide. Also, look at the spelling activities guide for some ideas to practise these words.
24 September 2021
Group 1
This week’s spellings are based on words from Phase 5 words.
- toe
- road
- soap
- autumn
- August
- pause
- donkey
- valley
Group 2
This week’s spellings are based on Phase 3 words.
- car
- park
- dark
- nurse
- fur
- turn
- town
- owl
The children will be tested on these words next Friday 1 October.
Please encourage your child to try practise the words by putting their words in a sentence using our handwriting guide. Also, look at the spelling activities guide for some ideas to practise these words.
17 September 2021
Group 1
This week’s spellings are based on words from Phase 5 words.
- claw
- straw
- wheel
- whisper
- dolphin
- graph
- new
- screw
Group 2
This week’s spellings are based on Phase 3 words.
- goat
- groan
- boot
- pool
- tools
- book
- shook
- foot
The children will be tested on these words next Friday 24 September.
Please encourage your child to try practise the words by putting their words in a sentence using our handwriting guide. Also, look at the spelling activities guide for some ideas to practise these words.
10 September 2021
Group 1
This week’s spellings are based on words from Phase 5 words.
- pie
- cream
- treat
- boil
- whirl
- shirt
- cue
- glue
Group 2
This week’s spellings are based on Phase 3 words.
- train
- tail
- snail
- light
- sigh
- see
- feel
- seem
The children will be tested on these words next Friday 17 September.
Please encourage your child to try practise the words by putting their words in a sentence using our handwriting guide. Also, look at the spelling activities guide for some ideas to practise these words.
16 July 2021
This week’s spelling: Months of the year
02 July 2021
This week’s spelling have the er suffix at the end.