18 September 2020
Next week, we’ll be learning about the j sound at the start and in the middle of a word. It is usually spelt with a g before e, i and y and with a j before a, o and u.
gem |
giant |
magic |
energy |
jacket |
jar |
join |
adjust |
11 September 2020
This week’s spellings relate to the ‘j‘ sound at the end of a word. They will be tested on Friday 18 September 2020.
The j sound is spelled -dge straight after short vowel sounds (eg badge – the ‘a’ is making a short sound) and -ge (eg change – the ‘a’ is making a longer ‘ay’ sound) after all other sounds.
badge |
edge |
bridge |
fudge |
charge |
huge |
change |
village |
Take a look at our spelling guide for some suggested methods for learning these spellings.
20 March 2020
This week, all the words have the ee phoneme at the end of the word which is spelled ey.
13 March 2020
This week, the spellings all end in-tion. The list is also available on your child’s Spelling Shed account. Please ask if you need any support with Spelling Shed access and logins details.
06 March 2020
The spellings this week are all contracted words. The first four contracted words start with I.
The second four all have the apostrophe used to replace the o in not.
I am I’m |
I will I’ll |
I would I’d |
I have I’ve |
could not couldn’t |
would not wouldn’t |
should not shouldn’t |
We are continuing to learn our 5 times tables.
28 February 2020
The spelling this week are all contracted words. They all have the apostrophe in the same place: instead of the o in not.
- do not don’t
- can not can’t
- will not won’t
- did not didn’t
- have not haven’t
- has not hasn’t
- does not doesn’t
- must not mustn’t
We are continuing to learn our 5 times tables.
07 February 2020
The spellings this week are all words which have an a which makes an o sound (as in ‘hot’). This is a common spelling after w and q.
Don’t forget, weekly spellings lists are also added to your child’s Spelling Shed account.
31 January 2020
We are looking at the suffixes -er and -est again this week. They require you to drop the e from the root word before adding the suffix. The children could be tested on any of the words with a suffix.
- nice nicer nicest
- large larger largest
- wise wiser wisest
- strange stranger strangest
- close closer closest
- brave braver bravest
- cute cuter cutest
We will continue with the 10 times table and the children will be tested on this next Friday. This week, the children have been taught the technique of skip counting on their fingers to help with their times tables.
It is important to note, when rehearsing tables, to vary the mathematical language used. In class, we will be familiarising the children with the words multiply, lots of, groups of and times.
24 January 2020
We would like the children to begin to learn another key spelling rule: drop the e for ing. All of the words in the list are verbs. Before the suffix ing is added to the verb, the e needs to be removed.
- to have having
- to hike hiking
- to write writing
- to use using
- to make making
- to like liking
- to give giving
- to excite exciting
The children are also beginning to learn their times tables. We are starting with the 10 times table and the children will be tested on this next Friday.
It is important to note, when rehearsing tables, to vary the mathematical language used. In class, we will be familiarising the children with the words multiply, lots of, groups of and times.
17 January 2020
This week the words are all adjectives and require you to double up for a short vowel sound when adding the suffixes er and est. The children will be tested on any of the words where a suffix has been added.
- fat fatter fattest
- thin thinner thinnest
- big bigger biggest
- sad sadder saddest
- hot hotter hottest
- bad badder baddest
The children will be tested on Friday 24th January 2020