10 January 2020
The spellings this week are words that require the doubling up of consonants when adding the suffix ed or ing to a word with a short vowel. The children will be tested on both suffixes.
- to pat patted
- to hop hopped
- to drop dropped
- to trap trapped
- to hum humming
- to slip slipping
- to grin grinning
13 December 2109
This week’s spellings are common exception words.
What are common exception words?
Sometimes called red words or tricky words, common exception words are rebels. They don’t quite follow the spelling or phonics rules that children are taught in years 1 and 2.
- any
- many
- clothes
- busy
- people
- even
- everybody
- Christmas
The children will be tested on these words on Thursday 19th December.
06 December 2019
Next week, we will be learning words which have a silent w.
- write
- wrote
- wrist
- wrong
- wrap
- wriggle
- wreck
- sword
29 November 2019
Next week, the phoneme we’re learning about is u which is spelled with an o.
- Monday
- nothing
- brother
- mother
- money
- worry
- love
- other
The children will be tested on these words on Friday 6th December.
22 November 2019
Next week, we will be learning the phoneme or. This is spelt with an a before l and ll.
- all
- ball
- call
- small
- talk
- walk
- always
- altogether
15 November 2019
Next week, we will be learning about adding –es to nouns and verbs that end with a -y.
The children need to learn to drop the -y for an -i before adding –es.
Here are the spellings to learn:
fly flies |
try tries |
cry cries |
spy spies |
reply replies |
baby babies |
carry carries |
copy copies |
08 November 2019
Next week, we’re learning about words which have an i sound spelt with a –y at the end of the word. The children will be tested on these words on Friday 15th November.
- cry
- try
- why
- reply
- July
- spy
- identify
- multiply
On top of these words, we are continuing to check some of the common exception words from Year 1. Please help your child by regularly checking the spelling of these words.
Year 1 Common Exception Words
the do
to today of
said says are
were was is
his has
you your they
be he me
she we ask
go so no
by my here
there where friend
love come some
one once school
put push
pull full
house our
18 October 2019
Next week, we will be looking at words which have an -il or -al ending. These are much less frequent than the -le ending.
- metal
- pedal
- capital
- hospital
- animal
- pencil
- nostril
- fossil
The children will be tested on these words on Thursday 24th October 2019.
Following each weekly spelling test, the children are asked to spell random words that have already been learnt. Often, we find that lots of spellings are correct for a test but soon forgotten.
11 October 2019
Next week, we will be learning about the –el phoneme at the end of a word.
This spelling is much less common than last week’s –le.
The children will be tested on these words on Friday 18th October 2019.
04 October 2019
This week, we would like the children to learn how to spell words ending in le.
Test will take place on Friday 11 October 2019.