17 May 2019
This week, we’re focussing on alternative ways to spell the oo phoneme. Children will be tested on eight out of the ten words.
June |
rule |
Tuesday |
rescue |
knew |
threw |
flew |
grew |
doom |
too |
10 May 2019
The words are all homophones or near homophones again this week. A homophone is a word which sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning. They are often, but not always, spelled differently.
This week, there are only five words to learn but it’s really important to practise spelling these words in context so children are choosing the correct version.
there, their, they’re
are, our
03 May 2019
This week, all the words are homophones or near homophones. A homophone is a word which sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning. The are often, but not always, spelled differently.
here hear |
quite quiet |
one won |
hole whole |
blue blew |
night knight |
break brake |
our hour |
26 April 2019
This week, all the words have the ee phoneme at the end of the word which is spelled ey.
key |
donkey |
monkey |
chimney |
valley |
honey |
money |
journey |
18 April 2019
The spellings this week are all plural nouns. When changing each noun to a plural, you need to drop the y for an i.
lorry lorries |
family families |
party parties |
cherry cherries |
city cities |
baby babies |
lady ladies |
worry worries |
Please also remember to practise the Year 2 Common Exception Words as children need to know how to spell these by the end of the year.
22 March 2019
The words this week are all words where you need to drop the y for an i before adding –er or –ed. As children could be tested on any of the variations of the words, we only have five to learn.
happy happier happiest |
grumpy grumpier grumpiest |
shiny shinier shiniest |
smelly smellier smelliest |
pretty prettier prettiest |
15 March 2019
This week, all the spellings are adverbs where the y has been dropped for an i before adding ly. In the left column are the words as adjectives and in the right column are the words after they have been changed to an adverb. Children could be tested on either form.
grumpy grumpily |
happy happily |
funny funnily |
lazy lazily |
noisy noisily |
scary scarily |
cheeky cheekily |
stealthy stealthily |
08 March 2019
The spellings this week are all contracted words. The first four contracted words start with I.
The second four all have the apostrophe used to replace the o in not.
I am I’m |
I will I’ll |
I would I’d |
I have I’ve |
could not couldn’t |
would not wouldn’t |
should not shouldn’t |
01 March 2019
The spellings this week are all contracted words. They all have the apostrophe in the same place: instead of the o in not.
When writing these contracted words, children should leave the letters either side of the apostrophe unjoined but there shouldn’t be a big space between the letters.
do not don’t |
can not can’t |
will not won’t |
did not didn’t |
have not haven’t |
has not hasn’t |
does not doesn’t |
must not mustn’t |
08 February 2019
The spellings this week are all words which have an a which makes an o sound (as in ‘hot’). This is a common spelling after w or qu.
want |
watch |
wander |
squash |
wand |
wasp |
quality |
swallow |