22 November 2024
- bridge
- badge
- gym
- crystal
- badger
- large
- change
- manage
The children will be tested on these words next Friday 29th November
Please encourage your child to try practise the words by putting their words in a sentence using our handwriting guide. Also, look at the spelling activities guide for some ideas to practise these words.
15 November 2024
- know
- knee
- lamb
- climb
- thumb
- cheer
- steer
- their
The children will be tested on these words next Friday 22ndh November
Please encourage your child to try practise the words by putting their words in a sentence using our handwriting guide. Also, look at the spelling activities guide for some ideas to practise these words.
08 November 2024
- respect
- include
- different
- friends
- other
- people
- charity
- helping
The children will be tested on these words next Friday 15th November
Please encourage your child to try practise the words by putting their words in a sentence using our handwriting guide. Also, look at the spelling activities guide for some ideas to practise these words.
18 October 2024
- once
- because
- phone
- photo
- whale
- whistle
- alphabet
- our
The children will be tested on these words next Thursday 24th October.
Please encourage your child to try practise the words by putting their words in a sentence using our handwriting guide. Also, look at the spelling activities guide for some ideas to practise these words.
11 October 2024
- through
- kind
- wild
- paper
- later
- music
- human
- friend
The children will be tested on these words next Friday 18th October.
Please encourage your child to try practise the words by putting their words in a sentence using our handwriting guide. Also, look at the spelling activities guide for some ideas to practise these words.
04 October 2024
- any
- many
- head
- spread
- destroy
- fire
- found
- first
The children will be tested on these words next Friday 11th October.
Please encourage your child to try practise the words by putting their words in a sentence using our handwriting guide. Also, look at the spelling activities guide for some ideas to practise these words.
27 September 2024
- grew
- their
- people
- blue
- rule
- paw
- new
- your
The children will be tested on these words next Friday 4th October.
Please encourage your child to try practise the words by putting their words in a sentence using our handwriting guide. Also, look at the spelling activities guide for some ideas to practise these words.
20 September 2024
- were
- says
- days
- here
- both
- home
- today
- over
The children will be tested on these words next Friday 27th September.
Please encourage your child to try practise the words by putting their words in a sentence using our handwriting guide. Also, look at the spelling activities guide for some ideas to practise these words.
13 September 2024
- take
- crayon
- bead
- pure
- read
- being
- amaze
- snake
The children will be tested on these words next Friday 20th September.
Please encourage your child to try practise the words by putting their words in a sentence using our handwriting guide. Also, look at the spelling activities guide for some ideas to practise these words.
06 September 2024
- eye
- pure
- sure
- were
- said
- made
- game
- same
The children will be tested on these words next Friday 13th September.
Please encourage your child to try practise the words by putting their words in a sentence using our handwriting guide. Also, look at the spelling activities guide for some ideas to practise these words.