29 June 2018
The spellings this week are homophones again. Instead of a list, children have a task to complete in their books.
We’ll review this on Thursday with homework and then children will be tested on 8 different homophones on Friday.
22 June 2018
The spellings this week are all plurals. Children need either add an s, add es or drop the y for an ies to make these words into the plural form.
baby babies |
cherry cherries |
lady ladies |
fox foxes |
witch witches |
table tables |
pencil pencils |
knee knees |
15 June 2018
There are only five spellings this week. However, children will have to use the words correctly in context to get the spelling correct.
There are three cows. |
Their cat is naughty. |
They’re playing tennis. |
Our class work hard. |
Are we nearly there? |
08 June 2018
The spellings this week are homophones and near homophones. Homophones are words which sound the same but have different meanings and often spellings.
sea see |
one won |
quite quiet |
hear here |
blue blew |
night knight |
bare bear |
to too two |
18 May 2018
The spellings this week consolidate our suffix learning by testing any eight words from the previous two lists: -ful & -less and -ment & -ness.
11 May 2018
We’re learning about -ness and -ment suffixes in phonics next week. Usually, you just add the suffix on to the root word. The exceptions are when the word ends in a y and is more than one syllable long. Eg. happiness or merriment. Argument is another exception as you drop the e from argue.
happy happiness |
sad sadness |
kind kindness |
quiet quietness |
dark darkness |
punish punishment |
enjoy enjoyment |
move movement |
amaze amazement |
measure measurement |
04 May 2018
The spellings this week can all have the suffix -ful or –less added to them (some can have both). The underlined words have an extra rule to follow when adding the suffix: drop the y for an i.
27 April 2018
We are looking at the suffixes -er and -est this week. The first four require you to drop the e from the root word before adding the suffix. The last four require you to double up the last letter before adding the suffixes.
nice nicer nicest |
large larger largest |
wise wiser wisest |
strange stranger strangest |
thin thinner thinnest |
big bigger biggest |
sad sadder saddest |
hot hotter hottest |
20 April 2018
The spellings this week all use the rule double up for a short vowel sound. They also all end with the suffix ed or ing. The root word is also included in the list.
to pat patting patted |
to hop hopping hopped |
to drop dropping dropped |
to trap trapping trapped |
to hum humming hummed |
to slip slipping slipped |
to clap clapping clapped |
to grin grinning grinned |
23 March 2018
The spellings this week are all contracted words. They all have the apostrophe in the same place: instead of the o in not.
do not don’t |
can not can’t |
will not won’t |
did not didn’t |
have not haven’t |
has not hasn’t |
does not doesn’t |
must not mustn’t |
should not shouldn’t |
could not couldn’t |
would not wouldn’t |