06 January 2016
I’ve updated the blurb about this week’s spellings as there was a mistake. Sorry for any confusion.
09 December 2016
02 December 2016
Here are the spellings for this week:
25 November 2016
The spellings for this week are below:
18 November 2016
We’re still focussing on irregular verbs this week so here’s another list. However, there are lots more. Try to spot some when you’re reading.
Children may be tested on the infinitive form of the verb (to lose) or the simple past tense version of the word (lost). The children have already spent some time looking at these words so they aren’t unfamiliar. However, as we’ve moved back to testing every week, we’ve dropped the number of spellings down to eight.
If you’ve any questions about this list or spelling generally, please ask.
to lose lost
to fall fell
to hide hid
to drive drove
to fight fought
to win won
to pay paid
to find found
11 November 2016
In phonics next week, we’re learning about irregular past tense verbs. Usually when we change a verb to the past tense, we just need to add ‘ed’. Irregular verbs are annoyingly irregular and don’t follow the rule!
fall fell |
fly flew |
find found |
win won |
sell sold |
blow blew |
see saw |
eat ate |
write wrote |
bring brought |
Don’t stop at this list. Find some other irregular verbs. There are loads of them!
04 November 2016
Here are the spellings for this week. They will be tested on Friday 11 November.
21 October 2016
It’s half-term, so there’s no homework. Enjoy the holiday instead: hunt down a collection of chestnuts on a walk at Roundhay Park, enjoy a cinema trip on a damp day, go further afield and visit somewhere new…
Whatever you do, have a good break.