09 September 2016
In a change from last year, spellings will be tested fortnightly, not weekly. This means there won’t be a test next week. Instead, you should spend more time not just practising the words but looking for other words which have the same sound in them. Sometimes, you will have spelling challenges do to to help your children deepen their learning of these and other words which fit the ‘sound’ or spelling rule .
Because of this extra time and practice, when it comes to the tests, the children won’t just be tested on the words in the initial list. I will choose some of the words from the list and some other words which fit the theme (the children will have been exposed to these extra words in class learning). Also, in future tests, some of the words from previous tests will be recapped to check that children are remembering what they have learnt. Children in Year 2 will be tested on ten words.
For the next few weeks, we’ll spend time recapping the different vowel sounds and their alternative sounds.
This week, it’s the long ‘a’ sound which can be written in different ways: play, rain, grey, plate, eight.
Here are the words your children should learn:
- shake
- mistake
- train
- Spain
- spray
- Monday
- they
- grey
Take a look at the sheet inside your Homework book called Can you become a master of spelling? This has lots of different strategies for learning words. Find a few which work for your child.
If you have any questions, please ask.
Have a happy and healthy holiday
It’s the summer holidays at last, so there are no homework or spelling activities. Enjoy the holidays instead!
Does your child spend less time outdoors than prison inmates? A survey suggests three-quarters of children do, as the time spent playing in parks, woods and fields has shrunk dramatically due to lack of green spaces, digital technology and parents’ fears.
Research shows that playing outdoors promotes social skills, improves vision, reduces stress, increases attention span and provides vitamin D.
15 July 2016
The spellings this week are for the whole class. The focus is on words that use a double consonant for a short vowel sound. However, a range of the suffixes we’ve learned this year are also recapped. The spelling test will be on Thursday morning.
08 July 2016
01 July 2016
As you know, we have had to close school on Friday 01 July – Shadwell Lane had its water turned off. For that reason, and because two classes are out of school today, there hasn’t been chance to set homework or spellings for this week.
Even though there is no set homework or spellings, please remember there are lots of things that the children can be doing to reflect on their learning from this week.
Again, I would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused by the school closure.
24 June 2016
17 June 2016
The spellings this week are again for all Year 2 children.
10 June 2016
The spellings this week are for everyone in Year 2.
Summer Half Term
In line with our Homework Policy, there are no homework tasks or spellings to learn next week because it’s the Summer half-term holiday. Of course, there are plenty of ways to help your child continue learning: get reading, go places, talk lots!
Have a happy and healthy holiday.
20 May 2016
There are no spellings for Year 1 and Year 2 this week due to next week’s themed week.