29 January 2016
Here are the spellings for this week:
22 January 2016
Here are the spellings for this week:
15 January 2016
Here are the spellings for this week:
08 January 2016 – Green Group
This week’s spellings for the Green Group:
08 January 2016 – Red Group
Here are the Red Group’s spellings for this week:
08 January 2016 – Yellow Group
Here are the spellings for yellow group this week.
It’s Christmas…
There are no homework tasks or spellings during the holiday period.
Instead, support your child in other ways. Make sure they take part in family events, encourage them to relax and catch up on some reading at home, encourage them to send thank you notes (emails are fine, too!) – all these things will help their English skills of speaking and listening, reading and writing.
Plenty of maths skills can be practised, too – planning some top telly and considering times and durations of programmes, working out what half price is when the sales start… could your child even help with some cooking to use various measures?
Whatever they do, make sure your child, and you, have a happy and healthy Christmas break.
11 December 2015
There are no spellings to practise this week in Year 1 or 2.