Year 2 Spelling

11 December 2015

Posted on Friday 11 December 2015 by Mr Wilks

There are no spellings to practise this week in Year 1 or 2.


03 December 2015

Posted on Friday 04 December 2015 by Mr Wilks

The spellings for next week are:

03.12.15 Yellow 03.12.15 Green 03.12.15 Red

27 November 2015

Posted on Friday 27 November 2015 by Mr Wilks

Next week, all children will be taking part in our sponsored Spellathon! Each child in Key Stage 1 has been given 30 spellings which they have already been tested on throughout the year so far. On Friday 04 December, they’ll be tested on all 30… happy spelling!

27.11.15 Spellathon Red 27.11.15 Spellathon yellow 27.11.15 Spellathon Green

20 November 2015

Posted on Friday 20 November 2015 by Mr Wilks

The spellings for this week are:

20.11.15 Red 20.11.15 Yellow 20.11.15 Green


13 November 2015

Posted on Friday 13 November 2015 by Mr Wilks

The spellings this week are:

13.11.15 yellow 13.11.15 Green 13.11.15 Red

06 November 2015

Posted on Friday 06 November 2015 by Mr Wilks

Here are the spellings for this week:

05.11.15 yellow 05.11.15 Green 05.11.15 Red

It’s half-term…

Posted on Saturday 24 October 2015 by Mr Roundtree

…so there is no homework this week.

Please make sure your child spends some time most days reading – books, comics, newspapers… Why not visit the library or a book shop this week?

To support writing, your child should review their spellings from the last few weeks. You could test them on words from all the lists, and ask them to use the words in sentences or a story, or create a comic strip with a word used in each speech bubble.Perhaps you could set a challenge (for you as well as your child!) of using spelling words in everyday conversations! Practising handwriting by joining up is a useful activity, too.

In Maths, children in Key Stage 2 should definitely practise times tables – including the related division facts. Can your child respond within five seconds (not counting up to work it out) to questions like ‘What’s 7 times 8?’ and ‘What’s 42 divided by 6?’

Of course, make sure your child is happy and healthy over half-term, too! A walk and play at Roundhay Park, a bike ride, a conker challenge, a trip to the art gallery… Enjoy!

16 October 2015

Posted on Friday 16 October 2015 by Mr Wilks

Here are the spellings for this week:

16.10.15 red 16.10.15 yellow 16.10.15 green



09 October 2015

Posted on Friday 09 October 2015 by Mr Wilks

Here are the spellings for this week.

09.10.15 Red 09.10.15 Green 09.10.15 Yellow

02 October 2015

Posted on Thursday 01 October 2015 by Mr Wilks

Here are the spellings for this week.

02.10.15 Green 02.10.15 Red 02.10.15 Yellow