12 September 2014
Red Group |
Yellow Group |
Green Group |
to |
bend |
away |
go |
bent |
train |
I |
damp |
lady |
the |
grass |
game |
no |
twin |
straight |
me |
clap |
eight |
tent |
weight |
said |
frame |
same |
Wednesday |
We have started as we mean to go on in Year 1 with some spellings to learn. Every week, apart from holidays, your child will bring some spellings home to learn. There are many fun ways to help your child learn them but the essential thing is to do spend a short time on them every day; 5 or 10 minutes every day will make a difference and will make your child confident with the new words. If you would like any support with helping your child then please come and ask.
Year 2 parents: you are familiar with the concept of spellings coming home but this is also a reminder to you that time spent daily is the best way to help your child learn their spellings.
There are 3 different groups for spellings and phonics; your child should know their group or there will be a sticker on their learning list book. They only need to learn the spellings for their group even though all the lists are shown above.
Spelling Test – there will be a spelling test every Friday where the children will need to know how to write their spellings. However, please note that the spelling test will be on Thursday this week as we have a theatre workshop all day on Friday.
These are the spellings for this week; if you have any questions then please come and ask one of us.
04 July 2014
There are no spellings this week. This is because our days are so full of visitors and trips in aid of Safety Week next week.
27 June 2014
Red Group |
Yellow Group |
Green Group |
drew |
their |
everybody |
grew |
have |
anybody |
screw |
looked |
somebody |
flew |
called |
everywhere |
blew |
asked |
somewhere |
Andrew |
laughed |
anywhere |
crew |
because |
everything |
threw |
please |
something |
different |
anything |
through |
nothing |
Here are this week’s spellings. There will be a spelling test on Friday 04 July 2014.
20 June 2014
Red Group |
Yellow Group |
Green Group |
saw |
washed |
mine |
lawn |
cooked |
yours |
yawn |
roasted |
theirs |
drawing |
dressed |
ours |
paws |
called |
everyone |
raw |
turned |
someone |
shawl |
wanted |
himself |
drawer |
hissed |
herself |
sorted |
myself |
hated |
she |
Here are this week’s spellings. There will be a spelling test on 27.06.14.
13 June 2014
Red Group |
Yellow Group |
Green Group |
bird |
snake |
funny |
girl |
play |
chunky |
swirl |
lane |
lucky |
squirt |
great |
stony |
glue |
brain |
faster |
blue |
they |
hotter |
tissue |
fete |
luckier |
Sue |
eight |
quickest |
straight |
thinnest |
spray |
funniest |
Here are this week’s spellings. There will be a spelling test on Friday 20 June 2014.
06 June 2014
Red Group |
Yellow Group |
Green Group |
bone |
computer |
flawless |
hole |
tube |
rickety |
safe |
cube |
anxious |
wave |
use |
ancient |
tune |
June |
perilous |
bike |
huge |
hobbled |
these |
rude |
scurried |
tide |
prune |
sneaked |
tune |
barged |
flute |
toppled |
Here are this week’s spellings. There will be a spelling test on Friday 13 June.
09 May 2014
Red Group |
Yellow Group |
Green Group |
their |
thirsty |
grumble |
people |
thirteen |
handle |
Mr |
third |
simple |
Mrs |
birth |
candle |
looked |
shirt |
sample |
called |
birthday |
ramble |
asked |
first |
crumble |
oh |
dirty |
pickle |
circus |
tickle |
circle |
jungle |
Here are this week’s spellings. There will be a spelling test on Friday 16 May.
02 May 2014
Here are this week’s spellings. Please note that the spelling test will be on Thursday 08 May.
Red Group |
Yellow Group |
Green Group |
cake |
treasure |
bubble |
spade |
television |
puddle |
made |
pleasure |
little |
make |
measure |
fiddle |
scrape |
usual |
middle |
tale |
what |
bottle |
whale |
when |
gaggle |
tame |
little |
giggle |
there |
juggle |
were |
gobble |
25 April 2014
Red Group |
Yellow Group |
Green Group |
like |
mountain |
wonderful |
pile |
loudest |
something |
nice |
sound |
calculator |
time |
sprout |
important |
cube |
cloud |
thankfully |
tube |
found |
disappointed |
use |
proud |
description |
flute |
ground |
frightening |
fountain |
incredibly |
about |
revolting |
Here are this week’s spellings. There will be a spelling test on Friday 02 May.
It’s the Easter holidays…
…so we have no set homework or spellings, in line with our Homework Policy.
That doesn’t mean we expect your child not to be developing their skills in reading, writing and maths!
Your child should be reading daily – this could be fiction, factual books, a comic or newspaper, and could include being read to at bedtime, too.
It would be good to practise basic skills in writing by writing a letter or email to a relative, perhaps recounting a day-trip or reviewing a film your child watched.
We’re finding quite a few children are ‘squashing their sentences’ such as I went to Leeds City Museum it was really interesting which is wrong. It would be much better with punctuation to separate or a word to join:
- I went to Leeds City Museum. It was really interesting. (A comma isn’t strong enough to separate two sentences.)
- I went to Leeds City Museum – it was really interesting.
- I went to Leeds City Museum; it was really interesting.
- I went to Leeds City Museum and it was really interesting.
- I went to Leeds City Museum which was really interesting.
Finally, to improve calculation skills, please keep practising mental number facts which your child must know:
- number bonds (two numbers which add up to 10, 20 and 100 eg 3+7, 13+7, 30+70) – these facts should be known by children in Y1 – Y2
- times tables (up to 12×12) and the division facts with your child – children in Y2 should have rapid recall of x2, x 5 and x 10 at least
We know we mention these ‘basics’ a lot, but that’s because they involve practice, practice and more practice – we practise a lot at school, but your child will need to practise at home, too, if they are to truly succeed.
Learn more about current expectations for reading, writing and maths. However, do be aware that a new National Curriculum comes into effect from September, meaning these expectations have been raised and so many aspects of learning now feature in younger age groups.