05 October 2012
This week’s spellings are words ending in ‘ck’. Your child will be tested on Friday 12 October 2012.
- shock
- stuck
- trick
- track
- back
- lick
- click
- pick
- lock
- flick
28 September 2012
This week’s spellings are words containing ‘oa’. Your child will be tested on Friday 05 October.
- load
- road
- loaf
- soak
- boat
- coat
- float
- goat
- throat
- soap
21 September 2012
This week’s spellings are words containing ‘ou’. These spellings will be tested on Friday 28 September 2012.
- cloud
- around
- found
- round
- sound
- pound
- count
- house
- mouse
- mouth
14 September 2012
This week’s spellings are words containing ‘ea’. Your child will be tested on Friday 21 September 2012.
- speak
- steal
- cream
- dream
- team
- mean
- please
- ear
- near
- easy
07 September 2012
This week’s spellings are words using ‘oi’ and ‘oy’. A useful way to remember which to use is ‘oi’ is usually in the middle of a word and ‘oy’ is usually at the end. These spellings will be tested on Friday 14 September.
- coin
- foil
- join
- oil
- point
- joy
- toy
- enjoy
- destroy
- employ
06 July 2012
This week’s spellings end in ‘tion’. Encourage splitting the word into its syllables to help with the spelling of these words. Your child will be tested on Friday 13th July 2012.
- action
- option
- addition
- infection
- situation
- creation
- donation
- education
- election
- emotion
29 June 2012
This week’s spellings are verbs in the present and past tense. Your child will be tested on Friday 06 July 2012.
- find
- found
- teach
- taught
- steal
- stole
- buy
- bought
- wear
- wore
22 June 2012
TThis week’s spellings are words ending in ‘ness’. Your child will be tested on Friday 29 June 2012.
• sadness
• darkness
• cleanness
• dampness
• dullness
• fairness
• fitness
• hugeness
• illness
• tiredness
15 June 2012
This week’s spellings are based on a rule of ‘drop the e for ing’. Children can think of other words that match this spelling pattern if they wish. Your child will be tested on Friday 22 June 2012.
- like
- liking
- ride
- riding
- wave
- waving
- tame
- taming
- smile
- smiling
25 May 2012
This week’s spellings are words beginning with ‘mis’. Your child will be tested on Friday 01 June 2012.
- mistake
- misbehave
- mishear
- misplace
- misread
- misuse
- misfire
- misunderstand
- misspell
- mislead