18 May 2012
This week’s spellings are words ending in ‘ed’ for the past tense. Your child will be tested on Friday 25 May 2012.
- served
- stroked
- refused
- replaced
- dawdled
- included
- grumbled
- surprised
- behaved
- pleased
11 May 2012
This week’s spellings are words beginning in ‘un’. Your child will be tested on Friday 18 May 2012.
- unable
- unbeaten
- unfair
- unhappy
- unkind
- unlucky
- unwell
- unwind
- unwilling
- unselfish
04 May 2012
This week’s spellings are from the ‘tricky words’ section for Year 2. Your child will be tested on Friday 11 May 2012.
- people
- their
- asked
- could
- called
- saw
- thought
- friend
- once
- were
27 April 2012
This week’s spellings have the suffix ‘ful’: if you care, you’re careful (full of care).
Your child will be tested on Friday 04 May 2012.
- careful
- harmful
- helpful
- painful
- playful
- powerful
- useful
- boastful
- grateful
- thankful
20 April 2012
This week’s spellings are adjectives with the suffix ‘est’. Your child will be tested on Friday 27 April 2012.
- fastest
- kindest
- slowest
- bravest
- largest
- neatest
- weakest
- tallest
- brightest
- strongest
30 March 2012
It’s the Easter holidays and, in line with our Homework Policy, teachers do not set spellings or homework tasks. Instead, enjoy the sunny weather by getting active: a trip to the park, a game of football, a cycle ride or a long walk!
During the holidays, two of our teachers will visit Italy, one will be in Russia and one will be in…Barry Island!
23 March 2012
This week’s spellings are compound words (two words that make up one word). Your child will be tested on Friday 30 March 2012.
- · bedroom
- · football
- · goodnight
- · handbag
- · outside
- · paintbrush
- · playground
- · weekend
- · cupboard
- · blackbird
16 March 2012
This week’s spellings are plurals that end in ‘es’. It is used instead of ‘s’ for words that end in ss, sh, x, o and zz. Your child will be tested on Friday 23 March 2012.
- buses
- bushes
- heroes
- boxes
- foxes
- dresses
- crashes
- buzzes
- fishes
- classes
09 March 2012
This week’s spellings are double consonants – they usually make the vowel sound before them a short sound (compare dinner with diner, for example). Your child will be tested on Friday 16 March 2012.
- better
- daddy
- dinner
- happy
- letter
- supper
- lolly
- button
- summer
- rabbit
02 March 2012
This week’s spellings are words beginning with ‘al’. Your child will be tested on Friday 09 March 2012.
- almighty
- almost
- alone
- along
- already
- also
- altogether
- always
- alright
- although