Year 2 Spelling

24 June 2011

Posted on Thursday 23 June 2011 by

This week’s spellings for Bananas, Oranges and Apples are all adverbs.

They will be tested on Friday 24 June.


Bananas and Oranges

LO: Adverbs

LO: Adverbs

  • badly
  • kindly
  • loudly
  • nearly
  • nicely
  • madly
  • slowly
  • softly
  • anxiously
  • clearly
  • cleverly
  • generously
  • nervously
  • rarely
  • quickly
  • selfishly

17 June 2011

Posted on Friday 17 June 2011 by

This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges are words that end with s or es.

Apple’s words all have the sound aw. They will be tested on Friday 24 June.


Bananas and Oranges

LO: Words with ‘aw’ sound.

LO: End with s/es.

  • claw
  • draw
  • jaw
  • law
  • paw
  • straw
  • yawn
  • lawn
  • boasts
  • thinks
  • sweets
  • screams
  • speaks
  • coaches
  • teaches
  • crushes

10 June 2011

Posted on Friday 10 June 2011 by

This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges are words ending with ing.

Apples have words with the sound ou in the middle.

They will be tested on Friday 17 June.


Bananas and Oranges

LO: Words with ‘ou’ sound.

LO: Words that end with ‘ing’.

  • cloud
  • proud
  • around
  • found
  • ground
  • sound
  • count
  • house
  • drying
  • frying
  • trying
  • hurrying
  • marrying
  • relying
  • tidying
  • crying

20 May 2011

Posted on Friday 20 May 2011 by

This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges are months of the year.

Apples have days of the week to remember.

They will be tested on Friday 27 May.


Bananas and Oranges

LO: Days of the week.

LO: Months of the year.

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

(I will only test 8 of these spellings.)

06 May 2011

Posted on Sunday 08 May 2011 by

This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges are words that begin with mis.

Apples have words that all have the sound oi in the middle.

They will be tested on Friday 13 May.


Bananas and Oranges

LO: Words that have ‘oi’.

LO: Words that begin with ‘mis’.

  • coil
  • coin
  • foil
  • join
  • oil
  • point
  • soil
  • toil
  • misfire
  • mishear
  • mislead
  • mistake
  • misunderstand
  • misuse
  • misspell
  • misbehave

28 April 2011

Posted on Friday 29 April 2011 by

This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges are words that end with ed.

Apples have words that all have the sound ea in the middle.

They will be tested on Friday 06 May.


Bananas and Oranges

LO: Words that have ‘ea’.

LO: Words that end with ‘ed’.

  • speak
  • steal
  • cream
  • dream
  • scream
  • team
  • please
  • east
  • enjoyed
  • joined
  • moaned
  • opened
  • invented
  • painted
  • shifted
  • waited

21 April 2011

Posted on Thursday 21 April 2011 by

This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges are words that have a double letter with an ‘le’ ending.

Apples have words that all end with ‘ow’.

They will be tested on Thursday 28 April.


Bananas and Oranges

LO: Words ending with ‘ow’.

LO: Double letter, ending with ‘le’.

  • below
  • blow
  • follow
  • glow
  • grow
  • throw
  • slow
  • yellow
  • bubble
  • scribble
  • cuddle
  • middle
  • juggle
  • bottle
  • puzzle
  • apple

25 March 2011

Posted on Friday 25 March 2011 by

This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges are words that begin with ‘re’.

Apples have words that all end with ‘ck’.

They will be tested on Friday 01 April.


Bananas and Oranges

LO: Words ending with ‘ck’.

LO: Words beginning with ‘re’.

  • back
  • rack
  • stack
  • flick
  • kick
  • block
  • clock
  • truck
  • refill
  • reform
  • refresh
  • refuse
  • repay
  • replace
  • replay
  • return

18 March 2011

Posted on Thursday 17 March 2011 by

This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges are irregular words.

Apples have words that all end with ‘ke’.

They will be tested on Friday 25 March.


Bananas and Oranges

LO: Words ending with ‘ke’

LO: Irregular words

  • take
  • cake
  • make
  • like
  • bike
  • joke
  • choke
  • smoke
  • before
  • four
  • head
  • once
  • only
  • their
  • two
  • were

11 March 2011

Posted on Friday 11 March 2011 by

This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges are all words ending with ‘er’.

Apples have words that all end with ‘ck’.

They will be tested on Friday 18 March.


Bananas and Oranges

LO: Words with ‘ck’.

LO: Words with ‘er’.

  • back
  • lock
  • crack
  • flick
  • smack
  • click
  • pick
  • stuck
  • brighter
  • faster
  • lighter
  • neater
  • prouder
  • slower
  • stronger
  • weaker