24 February 2012
This week’s spellings are words ending in ‘y’. Your child will be tested on Friday 02 March 2012.
- bony
- greasy
- lazy
- scary
- shiny
- tasty
- slimy
- wavy
- nosy
- spiky
It’s the holidays…
…so there are no spellings or homework activities.
Instead, enjoy a winter walk, the marvellous Muppets movie, some cool culture at a gallery or museum… Enjoy the half-term break.
03 February 2012
This week’s spellings have the ‘ur’ spelling pattern. Your child will be tested on Friday 10 January 2012.
- church
- burn
- return
- nurse
- purse
- burst
- Thursday
- hurt
- further
- turn
27 January 2012
This week’s spellings are words with the ‘igh’ letter pattern which creates a long ‘i’ sound. Your child will be tested on Friday 04 February 2012.
- high
- night
- height
- light
- right
- fight
- tight
- light
- might
- sight
20 January 2012
This week’s spellings are words ending in ‘ck’. Your child will be tested on Friday 27 January 2012.
- shock
- stuck
- trick
- track
- back
- lick
- click
- pick
- lock
- flick
13 January 2012
This week’s spellings are verbs (‘doing words’) ending in ‘ing’. Your child will be tested on Friday 20 January 2012.
• joining
• fishing
• floating
• reading
• teaching
• writing
• sleeping
• looking
• thinking
• beating
06 January 2012
This week’s spellings begin with ‘th’. Your child will be tested on Friday 13 January 2012.
- three
- throat
- throne
- thigh
- thin
- thing
- thick
- throw
- threw
- think
09 December 2011
This week’s spellings are words ending in ‘le’. Your child will be tested on Friday 16 December 2011.
- handle
- angle
- table
- uncle
- ankle
- candle
- able
- simple
- grumble
- dawdle
02 December 2011
This week’s spellings are words ending in ‘ed’ for the past tense. Your child will be tested on Friday 09 December 2011.
- handed
- lifted
- landed
- melted
- planted
- mended
- ended
- dusted
- rusted
- tested
25 November 2011
This week’s spellings are time connectives. We are using them to help us write instructions. Your child will be tested on Friday 02 December 2011.
- First,
- Secondly,
- Next,
- Then,
- After that,
- Meanwhile,
- Later,
- Finally,