Holidays approaching…
…so there are no spelling lists, tables or other homework this week.
Enjoy reading, writing (and possibly making?) Christmas cards, reflecting on this term’s topics and other activities.
03 December 2010
This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges all include the suffix ‘ful’.
Apples have some high-frequency words to remember. They will be tested on Friday 10 December 2010.
Apples |
Bananas and Oranges |
LO: High frequency words. |
LO: Words with the suffix ‘ful’. |
26 November 2010
This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges are plurals where the ‘y’ is dropped and replaced with ‘ies’.
Apples have some high-frequency words to remember. They will be tested on Friday 03 December.
Apples |
Bananas and Oranges |
LO: High-frequency words |
LO: Plurals with ‘ies’. |
19 November 2010
This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges have plurals with an ‘s’.
Apples have some high-frequency words to remember. They will be tested on 25 Friday 2010.
Apples |
Bananas and Oranges |
LO: High-frequency words |
LO: Plurals with an ‘s’. |
12 November 2010
This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges have the suffix ‘ing’.
Apples have some high-frequency words to remember. They will be tested on Friday 19th 2010.
Apples |
Bananas and Oranges |
LO: High-frequency words |
LO: Words with the ‘ing’ suffix. |
05 November 2010
This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges all include the suffix ‘ed’.
Apples have some high-frequency words to remember.
They will be tested on Friday 12 November.
Apples |
Bananas and Oranges |
LO: High-frequency words |
LO: Words with suffix ‘ed’. |
15 October 2010
This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges are all compound words – that’s two words joined to make one.
Apples have some high-frequency words to remember.
They will be tested on Thursday 21 October (one day earlier than usual!).
Apples | Bananas and Oranges |
LO: High-frequency words | LO: Compound words |
08 October 2010
This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges all include the sound ‘ur’.
Apples have some high-frequency words to remember. They will be tested on Friday 15th October 2010.
Apples | Bananas and Oranges |
LO: High-frequency words | LO: Words with ‘ur’ sound. |
01 October 2010
This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges groups all include prefixes ‘al’ and ‘de’.
Apples group have some high-frequency words to remember. They will be tested on Friday 08 October 2010.
Apples | Bananas and Oranges |
LO: High-frequency words | LO: Prefixes with ‘al and ‘de’. |
Spellings: 24 September 2010
This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges all include the letters ‘ck’. Apples have some irregular high-frequency words to remember. They will be tested on Friday 28 September 2010.
Apples spelling group | Bananas and Oranges spelling groups |
LO: Irregular words | LO: Words with ‘ck’ |