Year 3 Spelling

21 June 2019

Posted on Friday 21 June 2019 by

This week, spelling looks at words with the ‘u’ sound spelled with an ‘ou’. There is no list to learn. Instead, your child should find as many words that follow this rule and make a list in their homework book.

The words ‘trouble’, ‘young’ and ‘country’ are examples of this rule.

This is due in on Thursday 27 June 2019.

We are learning our 8 times table.

14 June 2019

Posted on Friday 14 June 2019 by

This week’s spellings is a revisiting the rule of doubling up after a short vowel sound. The rule (not the list) will be tested on Friday 21 June 2019.

– happily

– running

– stopped

– grabbed

– beginning

– traditionally

– challenge

– matter

We are learning our 4 times tables.

07 June 2019

Posted on Friday 07 June 2019 by

This week we’re revisiting words that have a /ch/ making the /k/ sound.

scheme /  character / ache / chaos / stomach / chemistry / orchestra / technology

These will be tested on 13 June 2019.

We’re learning our 3 times tables.

17 May 2019

Posted on Friday 17 May 2019 by

There is an activity for words with an ‘ly’ suffix for spellings this week.

This is due in on Friday 23 May 2019.

friendly / regretfully / angrily / anxiously / forcefully / cautiously / suspiciously / peacefully / mostly / peculiarly

There is also an interactive activity available for these words on Spelling Shed. Your child has their login details for this website. You can find the link for this activity inside your child’s ‘favourites’ section within the program or by following the QR code, below.

We’re learning our 3 times tables this week.

10 May 2019

Posted on Thursday 09 May 2019 by

Spelling this week is a list of words with the ‘ly’  suffix. This is a recap of something your child has learnt in Year Two.

There are some rules when adding this suffix to a word.

  • The suffix ‘-ly’ starts with a consonant letter, so is added straight on to most root words.
  • If the root word ends in consonant letter ‘y’, the ‘y’ is changed to ‘i’, but only if the word is more than one syllable.
  • If the root words ends in ‘le’, the ‘le’ is changed to ‘ly’.

friend, kind, clumsy, exact, angry, careful, dead, part

This list will be tested on Friday 17 May 2019.

We are learning our 8 times tables.

Friday 03 May 2019

Posted on Friday 03 May 2019 by

Spellings this week looks at words with  the /k/ sound spelt ‘ch’.

Children have a series of words to learn. We have discussed their meaning in class but this may need to be checked at home. There is also a word search to complete for this homework. This is due in on Thursday 10 May 2019.

ache / choir / chemist / christmas / anchor / echo / chorus / chemistry

We are learning our 8 times tables. Please make sure your child is practising their division facts as well as the multiplication facts each week.

26 April 2019

Posted on Friday 26 April 2019 by

Spelling this week is to practise spelling words that either have/ck/ or /k in them.

Your child has been sent home with a username and password for spelling shed – an online spelling practise website. On this website they will be able to find a game to practise these spellings specifically. This can be done independently as long as they have access to a computer, smartphone or tablet.

There is a list to practise for the test on Friday 03 May 2019.


pack rock weak
chicken screech fetch
racket ditch arch

We are learning our 8 times tables.

18 April 2019

Posted on Thursday 18 April 2019 by

There is no list for week’s spelling homework. Instead we focus on three of the spelling rules that Year 3 should be familiar with. We have found that children often do well in tests with these spelling rules in isolation but are then finding them more challenging when doing independent writing.

  1. Doubling up the consonant after the short vowel sound.
  2. Adding the suffix ‘ing’ to make a verb into its present tense form.
  3. Adding the suffix ‘ed’ to turn a verb into its past tense form.

Please note – there won’t be any new words tested. We will be testing these rules to words we have already learnt on Friday 26th April.

We are learning our 8 times tables.

22 March 2019

Posted on Friday 22 March 2019 by

This week’s spellings all have the ‘super’ or ‘auto’ prefixes.

Practise by using one of the spelling strategies stuck into the back of your homework book. Check you understand their meaning by asking a friend, an adult or looking it up in a dictionary or (with an adult’s permission) online.

Children should practise spelling these words in preparation for a test on Friday 29 March 2019.

We are learning our 3 times tables.

15 March 2019

Posted on Friday 15 March 2019 by

The Spelling homework this week is to begin to practise the Year 3 common exception word list.

Get your child to look at the list and pick out some of the words they struggle to spell and practise these. If your child isn’t sure where to start, the common exception words have been grouped and it would be best to pick one group to look at per fortnight. Learning how to spell the words listed will build your child’s confidence in spellings and improve their writing.

We are learning our 3 times tables.