22 June 2018
This week’s spelling activity is to come up with a list of words that you find tricky to spell. Once you’ve finished, write each word in your own sentence.
- Can you write them in a silly story?
- Can you draw a picture to represent the word?
- Can you think of a way to teach others how to spell it?
In class, we discussed a few tricky spellings you might want to make a note of:
- school
- laugh
- rough
- quiet
- does
- cough
15 June 2018
This week’s spelling list is formed using our Must Do homophones for Year 3. Children should practise listening to a sentence read aloud and writing the correct word. For example:
“I use my ears to hear what you’re saying.”
Can you think of any fun ways to remember which word is right? Can you write some silly sentences? Can you show your words creatively?
- your/you’re
- its/it’s
- of/off
- of/have (shouldn’t have)
- which/witch
Children should learn these in preparation for a spelling test on Friday 22 June.
08 June 2018
This week’s spelling list is formed using our Must Do homophones for Year 3. Children should practise listening to a sentence read aloud and writing the correct word. For example:
“I use my ears to hear what you are saying.”
Can you think of any fun ways to remember which word is right? Can you write some silly sentences? Can you show your words creatively?
- here/hear
- where/wear
- there/their/they’re
- are/our
- two/too/to
Children should learn these in preparation for a spelling test on Friday 15 June.
18 May 2018
- Can you show your words in a creative way?
- Can you include your words in sentences or paragraphs?
- Can you draw what the word is?
bicycle | century | exercise | forward | interest |
natural | popular | recent | special | thought |
11 May 2018
This week’s spelling activity is to make a word search with the following words:
arrive | breathe | certain | earth | favourite |
heart | learn | often | regular | various |
Children should then write sentences underneath that contain these words. We will share our sentences in class on Thursday 17 May.
04 May 2018
This week’s spelling list is formed with ten words from the Year 3/4 statutory spellings list. There isn’t a pattern with these words but could you think of any fun ways to remember how to spell them? If you don’t know what any of the words mean, find out! There will be a spelling test on Friday 11 May.
accident | calendar | difficult | early | group |
island | minute | promise | strange | though |
27 April 2018
This week’s spelling activity is a crossword using ten of the words on the Year 3/4 Statutory Word list. If you need help or support, come in and ask for a hard copy of this list or alternatively, it can be found online or below:
20 April 2018
This week’s spellings are formed with words that have the ‘k’ sound spelt ‘ch’.
- ache
- anchor
- chaos
- character
- chemist
- chorus
- echo
- scheme
- stomach
- technology
Children should learn these spellings in preparation for a test on Friday 27 April.
23 March 2018
This week’s spelling list is formed with the words that were most commonly misspelled on our recent spelling test. There isn’t a pattern with these words but could you think of any fun ways to remember how to spell them? If you don’t know what any of the words mean, find out!
- Can you show your words in a creative way?
- Can you write them in your own sentences?
improve | couple | invisible | allowed | rough |
cough | special | imagine | final | sleepily |
16 March 2018
This week’s spellings either have the prefix sub- or tele-. Your first task is to find out what both prefixes mean. This week’s activity is to find out the correct word that matches the definition. Once you’ve finished, write each word in your own sentence.
- Can you write them all in some silly sentences or a silly story?
- Can you draw the word to represent its definition?