09 June 2017
This week’s spellings have been chosen from the Year 3 and 4 word list. These spellings are often spelled incorrectly by many children. Learn the spellings for a test on Friday 23 June.
19 May 2017
This week’s spellings end in -ation -ative and -ly. Learn the spellings for a test on Friday 02 June. Remember to use the spelling strategies at the front of your homework book.
11 May 2017
This week, the children have been given three spelling activities. They need to use these to help them to learn the words given last week.
Consonants and Vowels
Write your spellings words; use a blue coloured pencil for consonants and a red coloured pencil for vowels.
Stair steps
Write your spellings as ‘stair steps’.
Alliterative Phrases or Sentences
Choose five of your spelling words and write five alliterative phrases or sentences. An alliterative phrase uses the same initial letter. You may include a word or two that does not begin the same letter. Be sure to underline your spelling words.
05 May 2017
This weeks spellings follow the rule ‘ou‘ making the short /u/ sound (sounds like the ‘uh’ in ‘cut’ and ‘shut’). Use the spelling activities from your homework book to learn these spellings. The spellings will be tested on Friday 19 May.
28 April 2017
This week’s spelling activity is a crossword with contracted words. Pupils need to think about the apostrophe placement in contracted words, what the apostrophe is replacing and what the original words are. Spellings will be tested on Friday 05 May.
24 March 2017
This week’s spellings to learn for a test on Friday 31 March.
17 March 2017
This week, the children have been given a spelling activity on a worksheet. This will help them learn their spellings from the list given last week. The spellings will be tested next week on Friday 24 March.
10 March 2017
The spellings to learn this week are all homophones… words that sound the same but mean different things. As well as the spelling, children need to know the meaning of each word. When I test the children on these spellings, I’ll give them the word in a sentence. For example – There was a pretty, pink flower growing in my garden.
03 March 2017
This week, the children have been given a spelling activity on a worksheet. This will help them learn their spellings from the list given last week. The spellings will be tested next week on Friday 10 March.
24 February 2017
This week’s spellings all have the ‘super’ or ‘auto’ prefixes
Children should practise spelling these words in preparation for a test on Friday 10 March.