Year 3 Spelling

13 May 2016

Posted on Friday 13 May 2016 by

This week’s spellings are all common exception words. These are words that Year 3 children are expected to know. Lower down school they are often called tricky words because they don’t always follow expected phonetic rules. For example the ‘ar’ in forward makes an ‘uh’ sound.

  • forward
  • fruit
  • grammar
  • group
  • guide
  • heard
  • heart
  • height
  • history

We’ve learnt some of these words before but they are still cropping up as errors in class.

06 May 2016

Posted on Monday 09 May 2016 by

This week’s spellings are all homophones. Homophones are two or more words that sound the same but are spelt differently and mean different things. For example: fair (a place with rides and games) and fare (the cost of public transport).

  • grown / groan
  • eight / ate
  • woman / women
  • heard / herd

Your child also needs to find their own pair (not pear!) of homophones which they will be tested on.

29 April 2016

Posted on Friday 29 April 2016 by

This week’s spellings all have the ‘-ou’ digraph. These spellings all have ‘-ou’ making an ‘uh’ sound (as in touch and country) or ‘-ough’   making an ‘uff’ sound (as in enough).


These spellings will be tested next Friday. Why not go on spellodrome to practise your spellings?

22 March 2016

Posted on Friday 22 April 2016 by

This week’s spellings end in ‘-sure’ and ‘-ture’.


Your child has nine spellings to learn and must find their own tenth spelling that ends in either ‘-sure’ or ‘-ture’. They will be tested on seven of these spellings and their own word next Friday.

25 March 2016

Posted on Friday 25 March 2016 by

This week, your child has a word study to complete. They must find an A – Z list of words that follow the ‘double up for a short vowel sound’ spelling rule. For example, ‘apple’ and ‘attractive’ have a doubled-up letter to make the ‘a’ in front a short sound (compare the ‘a’ sound in ‘apple’ and ‘able’).

The words your child finds must be words that they feel they could use in their writing in class. I would encourage the use of a dictionary or even the use of an internet search engine. If your child is searching for words online, make sure you speak to them about being e-safe.

18 March 2016

Posted on Friday 18 March 2016 by

This week, your child has been given a copy of the Year 3/4 spelling list. They must pick 10 spellings that follow the rule double up for a short vowel sound. Words that follow this rule include comma (compare the sound of the ‘o’ with coma, where there is no double up), hopping (compared with hoping) and funny. Why not ask your child to identify the short vowel sound in each of these words. image

11 March 2016

Posted on Friday 11 March 2016 by

This week’s spellings all contain negative prefixes. Negative prefixes change the meaning of the root word to the opposite. Your child will need to be able to spell all the root words below and know which negative prefix can be applied (for example, misappear will count as an incorrect answer in Friday’s test). Your child only has the root words in their learning list but if they get stuck identifying which negative prefix to apply, they are as follows:


04 March 2016

Posted on Friday 04 March 2016 by

imageThis week’s selling all have a negative prefix. This makes the new word mean the opposite of the root word (so untidy means messy, the opposite of tidy).

As well as the eight below, your child needs to find two more words with a negative prefix which they will be tested on on Friday.

  • disappoint
  • disagree
  • disobey
  • misbehave
  • mislead
  • misspell
  • inactive
  • incorrect


26 February 2016

Posted on Friday 26 February 2016 by

This week’s spellings are all adverbs. Adverbs describe how a verb (an action) is being done.

sad sadly
usual usually
final finally
comic comically
happy happily
angry angrily
gently gently
simply simply
frantic frantically
dramatic dramatically

These spellings have all been formed by adding the suffix -ly or -ally to a root word. The meaning of the root word helps us to understand the meaning of the adverb. Take “running comically”. The root word of comically is comic, which means to be funny, so running comically would be running in a funny way.

Why not try spelling pyramids to help practise this week?


05 February 2016

Posted on Friday 05 February 2016 by

The week’s spellings are all singular and plural possessives. We’ve been looking at the role of apostrophes in the contracted form (can’t…don’t…won’t) and are now focussing on how they are used to mark possession (the cat’s pyjamas are the pyjamas that belong to the cat).

For this spelling task we’re focussing on using ‘s for singular nouns (one cat’s pyjamas) and s’ for plural nouns (two cats’ pyjamas).

Your child needs to find five interesting nouns that link to our Life topic.  A noun’s job is to name things, people or places. Once they have chosen five spellings, they must work out the singular and plural possessives for their nouns. Usually, adding an -s to the end of a noun will make it plural and all that is required is an apostrophe after that s to mark possession. However, some nouns have irregular plurals which must be learnt. For example, if a noun ends in a y you have to drop the y for an i and add es (like ‘ladies’ from last week’s list). Additionally, some nouns have even more unusual spelling rules for the plural (one sheep, two sheep; one cactus, two cacti). The best way to check this is to go onto the internet and search for your nouns plural e.g. cactus plural, sheep plural.