Year 3 Spelling

06 December 2013

Posted on Friday 06 December 2013 by Mr Wilks

This week, we are learning to spell words which have a silent h. Can you think of anymore?

1. when
2. what
3. where
4. which
5. white
6. ghost
7. honest
8. Christmas



29 November 2013

Posted on Friday 29 November 2013 by Mr Wilks

The spellings this week are all words with silent letters, e.g. knee, gnat, wrinkle.

1. knee
2. knock
3. knife
4. wrong
5. wreck
6. write
7. sword
8. when
9. whine
10. gnarled


22 November 2013

Posted on Sunday 24 November 2013 by Mr Wilks

We are revisiting one of our key spelling rules this week. The spellings are all words where you have to drop the y for an i when adding ly.

1. moody moodily
2. nasty nastily
3. easy easily
4. giddy giddily
5. greedy greedily
6. hasty hastily
7. speedy speedily
8. noisy noisily
9. naughty naughtily
10. stealthy stealthily


14 November 2013

Posted on Thursday 14 November 2013 by Mr Wilks

This week’s spellings are all words which use apostrophes to shorten or contract two words into one word. I’ve noticed that some children are struggling to read these words and/or write them correctly.


do not



can not



is not



does not



will not



there is



 it is



I will



I have



I would


08 November 2013

Posted on Friday 08 November 2013 by Mr Wilks

It’s a welcome back to school and a welcome back to one of our key spelling rules this week: double up for short vowel sounds. This week’s spellings all have le endings as well.

1. puddle
2. bubble
3. meddle
4. puzzle
5. battle
6. pebble
7. shuttle
8. middle
9. shuffle
10. impossible

It’s half-term…

Posted on Saturday 26 October 2013 by Mr Roundtree

…so no specific homework, spellings or tables this week.  It’s a good time to relax and enjoy some time with your children – have you visited the free exhibition of Anthony Browne pictures at Leeds City Museum, for example?

18 October 2013

Posted on Friday 18 October 2013 by Mr Wilks

Plurals again! This time we are investigating how the spelling changes when making plurals for words that end in y. There are two options…

  1. Add s if the final letter is preceded by a vowel.
  2. If not preceded by a vowel, change the y to an i and add es.
1. donkey donkeys
2. ray rays
3. play plays
4. boy boys
5. day days
6. puppy puppies
7. army armies
8. party parties
9. city cities
10. berry berries



11 October 2013

Posted on Monday 14 October 2013 by Mr Wilks

We are revisiting one of our key spelling rules this week: double up for short vowel sounds. This week’s spellings are all in the past tense so have ed endings as well (but be careful – sometimes ed sounds like a t!).

1. snapped
2. trapped
3. stepped
4. flipped
5. slammed
6. dripped
7. stuffed
8. slipped
9. popped
10. plodded

04 October 2013

Posted on Friday 04 October 2013 by Mr Wilks

We are learning about plurals this week. Some of the spellings are made into a plural by just adding s. The others you have to add es to make into a plural. You add es if you hear an extra syllable when you make it plural.

1. pen pens
2. book books
3. boy boys
4. table tables
5. pocket pockets
6. bush bushes
7. watch watches
8. brush brushes
9. fox foxes
10. kiss kisses


27 September 2013

Posted on Friday 27 September 2013 by Mr Wilks

This week, the spellings are all words where you have to drop the y for an i when adding ly. This is one of three key spelling rules which we will be revisiting throughout the year.

In the list below, the words change from being adjectives (words which describe a noun – in this case, a person for example eg a grumpy waiter) to adverbs (words which describe a verb eg to smile sneakily, to reply angrily).

1. happy happily
2. angry angrily
3. pretty prettily
4. grumpy grumpily
5. messy messily
6. sneaky sneakily
7. cheeky cheekily
8. clumsy clumsily
9. hungry hungrily
10. lazy lazily